
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise RSS

Promtail pipeline stages

This section is a collection of all stages Promtail supports in a Pipeline.

Parsing stages:

  • docker: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard Docker format.
  • cri: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard CRI format.
  • regex: Extract data using a regular expression.
  • json: Extract data by parsing the log line as JSON.
  • logfmt: Extract data by parsing the log line as logfmt.
  • replace: Replace data using a regular expression.
  • multiline: Merge multiple lines into a multiline block.
  • geoip: Extract geoip data from extracted labels.

Transform stages:

  • template: Use Go templates to modify extracted data.
  • pack: Packs a log line in a JSON object allowing extracted values and labels to be placed inside the log line.
  • decolorize: Strips ANSI color sequences from the log line.

Action stages:

  • timestamp: Set the timestamp value for the log entry.
  • output: Set the log line text.
  • labeldrop: Drop label set for the log entry.
  • labelallow: Allow label set for the log entry.
  • labels: Update the label set for the log entry.
  • limit: Limit the rate lines will be sent to Loki.
  • sampling: Sampling the lines will be sent to Loki.
  • static_labels: Add static-labels to the log entry.
  • metrics: Calculate metrics based on extracted data.
  • tenant: Set the tenant ID value to use for the log entry.
  • structured_metadata: Add structured metadata to the log entry.

Filtering stages:

  • match: Conditionally run stages based on the label set.
  • drop: Conditionally drop log lines based on several options.