
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.


Release download links

v3.0.1 – May 5, 2024

v3.0.0 – April 13 2024

v1.8.7 – March 14 2024

v1.8.6 – January 26 2024

v1.8.5 – October 18 2023

v1.8.4 – October 18 2023

v1.8.3 – October 12 2023

v1.8.2 – September 18 2023

v1.8.1 – September 13 2023

v1.8.0 – September 8 2023

v1.7.8 – March 14 2024

v1.7.7 – January 25 2024

v1.7.6 – October 13 2023

v1.7.5 – September 13 2023

v1.7.4 – September 8 2023

v1.7.3 – August 2 2023

v1.7.2 – May 3 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 9f809eda70babaf583bdf6bf335a28038f286618
  • Loki Version: 2.8.2

v1.7.1 – April 24 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: dd763dcffb911eda362472e2b314629e7fdf6bd8
  • Loki Version: 2.8.1

v1.7.0 – April 05 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 90888a0cc737b60f29b8bed880a380731ae1e492
  • Loki Version: 2.8.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.3 – March 30 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: fd33f6a184d584542b0f7557d8328b4e6d2cec4e
  • Loki Version: 2.7.5

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.2 – March 02 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 98421b0c0187cad15afe6292db93e95d1a385052
  • Loki Version: 2.7.4

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.1 – January 26 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: c35554d0956dd1a313277c5d56e49de7c6936161
  • Loki Version: 2.7.2

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.0 – November 23 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 8e9702950cbc697cab70966d98e5cdafa1cd546e
  • Loki Version: 2.7.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.2 – September 26 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.1 – August 9 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.0 – July 19 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.4.1 – May 20 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 2d9d0ee236ea302950fcf21edc53d53050a3fbbb
  • Loki Version: 2.5.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.4.0 – April 13 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 2d9d0ee236ea302950fcf21edc53d53050a3fbbb
  • Loki Version: 2.5.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.3.1 – May 3 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 525040a3265715ca8cfb52cd39108ccfac9f8af6
  • Loki Version: 2.4.2


  • [SECURITY] Fix of enterprise authentication bypass in Grafana Enterprise Logs component “querier”. (CVE-2022-28660)
    • When Grafana Enterprise Logs is deployed in microservices mode and enterprise authentication is used (-auth.type=enterprise), the querier component is not enforcing authentication and can be queried just specifying the tenant ID in the X-Scope-OrgID header, when its HTTP port is exposed. The HTTP port should not be exposed to external traffic.
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.17.9.
  • [SECURITY] Update base image to use Alpine Linux 1.15.4.

v1.3.0 – January 13 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 525040a3265715ca8cfb52cd39108ccfac9f8af6
  • Loki Version: 2.4.2


  • [FEATURE] Add a /node/api/v1/debug-export endpoint that returns the configuration, version and process information in a zip file
  • [FEATURE] Admin-API: Added support for Azure Storage
  • [BUGFIX] Fix /config endpoint not showing GEL-related configuration (ex: admin_api)
  • [BUGFIX] Fix common config parsing of s3 url style configuration for the admin client

v1.2.1 – May 3 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: f61a4d2612d8fa3a385c90c363301ec05bab34d8
  • Loki Version: 2.4.1


  • [SECURITY] Fix of enterprise authentication bypass in Grafana Enterprise Logs component “querier”. (CVE-2022-28660)
    • When Grafana Enterprise Logs is deployed in microservices mode and enterprise authentication is used (-auth.type=enterprise), the querier component is not enforcing authentication and can be queried just specifying the tenant ID in the X-Scope-OrgID header, when its HTTP port is exposed. The HTTP port should not be exposed to external traffic.
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.17.9.
  • [SECURITY] Update base image to use Alpine Linux 1.14.6.

v1.2.0 – November 11 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: f61a4d2612d8fa3a385c90c363301ec05bab34d8
  • Loki Version: 2.4.1


  • [CHANGE] The default distributor ring storage is now inmemory (formerly consul)
  • [CHANGE] The default ingestion_rate_strategy is now global (formerly local). This makes the ring necessary for the distributor by default
  • [CHANGE] The default max_global_streams_per_user is now 5000 (formerly 0 (no limit))
  • [CHANGE] The default max_query_length is now 721h (formerly 0h (no limit))
  • [CHANGE] The default max_query_parallelism is now 32 (formerly 14)
  • [CHANGE] The default max_streams_per_user is now 0 (no limit) (formerly 10000)
  • [CHANGE] The default reject_old_samples is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] The default reject_old_samples_max_age is now 168h (formerly 336h)
  • [CHANGE] Automatically apply memberlist config to all rings when provided
  • [CHANGE] The default grpc_server_min_time_between_pings is now 10s (formerly 5m)
  • [CHANGE] The default grpc_server_ping_without_stream_allowed is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] Metrics related to chunk storage and runtime config have changed their prefixes from cortex_ to loki_
    • cortex_runtime_config* -> loki_runtime_config*
    • cortex_chunks_store* -> loki_chunks_store*
  • [CHANGE] The default ingester WAL enabled is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] The default ingester wAL chunk transfers is now 0 (formerly 10)
  • [CHANGE] The default unordered_writes is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] Inmemory FIFO cache is now enabled by default to cache query results and chunks
  • [CHANGE] Logs gateway exposes additional scheduler/ring endpoint introduced in Loki 2.4
  • [CHANGE] Admin API Leader Election is now enabled by default
  • [FEATURE] Allow for reporting CPU time usage to AWS Marketplace metering service in case GEL is running as AWS Marketplace container product using the -license.type=aws-marketplace command line flag.
  • [FEATURE] Add new simple scalable mode (see architecture docs for reference). To use it, set target=read or target=write to deploy new read-path components or write-path components as a single process.
  • [FEATURE] Add a new configuration section named common that allows reuse of configuration across different components. For reference, check configuration docs
  • [FEATURE] Add new virtual targets read and write to enable GEL to be run in a “Simple Scalable Topology”
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Expose value of GOMAXPROCS, as well as CPU quota information (number of cores, cgroup quota) as Prometheus metrics.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Admin-API: Add a new endpoint for returning product and feature information at /admin/api/v1/features
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Admin-API: Add new Admin API v2 endpoints that replace the term ‘instance’ used in version v1 with the term ’tenant’
    • /admin/api/v2/accesspolicies
    • /admin/api/v2/clusters
    • /admin/api/v2/features
    • /admin/api/v2/licenses
    • /admin/api/v2/tenants
    • /admin/api/v2/tokens
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Loopback net interface is now part of the default interfaces used by Loki components
  • [BUGFIX] Initialize the Admin API correctly so it can elect an API leader if multiple instances are present and API leadership is enabled.
  • [BUGFIX] Register correct URL of the ring endpoint (/ring) in the gateway

v1.1.0 – July 15 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: c44c12b9304751744fb7c5005ee2f5277d78eed2
  • Loki Version: 2.2.1


  • [SECURITY] Prevent path traversal attack from users able to control the HTTP header X-Scope-OrgID. (CVE-2021-36156, CVE-2021-36157)
    • Users only have control of the HTTP header when GEL is configured with flags -auth.type=default and -tenant-federation.enabled=false
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.16.6. (CVE-2021-34558).
  • [FEATURE] Queries: Add LBAC enforcement for queries and label value requests. #109
  • [FEATURE] Add gateway target that can be configured to proxy requests to microservices and can be used to load balance remote_write requests to the distributors. #115
  • [FIX] Support query-frontend when running in microservices mode. #121
  • [FIX] Rename the Prometheus collector namespace from logs_enterprise to enterprise_logs. #173

v1.0.1 – July 21 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: da64e188580a77017ea4b3d1c03f1aa4ba6ea5ca
  • Loki Version: v2.1.0-157


  • [SECURITY] Prevent path traversal attack from users able to control the HTTP header X-Scope-OrgID. (CVE-2021-36156, CVE-2021-36157)
    • Users only have control of the HTTP header when GEL is configured with flags -auth.type=default and -tenant-federation.enabled=false
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.15.14 (CVE-2021-34558).

v1.0.0 – February 17 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 76e713f57dc4c16d444675c6e15526f968b3e51e
  • Loki Version: 2.1.0-155


  • [CHANGE] Update Loki and Cortex versions.