
Release download links

v3.2.1 – October 21, 2024

v3.2.0 – September 19, 2024

v3.1.2 – October 21, 2024

v3.1.1 – August 9, 2024

v3.1.0 – July 3, 2024

v3.0.1 – May 5, 2024

v3.0.0 – April 13 2024

v1.8.7 – March 14 2024

v1.8.6 – January 26 2024

v1.8.5 – October 18 2023

v1.8.4 – October 18 2023

v1.8.3 – October 12 2023

v1.8.2 – September 18 2023

v1.8.1 – September 13 2023

v1.8.0 – September 8 2023

v1.7.8 – March 14 2024

v1.7.7 – January 25 2024

v1.7.6 – October 13 2023

v1.7.5 – September 13 2023

v1.7.4 – September 8 2023

v1.7.3 – August 2 2023

v1.7.2 – May 3 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 9f809eda70babaf583bdf6bf335a28038f286618
  • Loki Version: 2.8.2

v1.7.1 – April 24 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: dd763dcffb911eda362472e2b314629e7fdf6bd8
  • Loki Version: 2.8.1

v1.7.0 – April 05 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 90888a0cc737b60f29b8bed880a380731ae1e492
  • Loki Version: 2.8.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.3 – March 30 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: fd33f6a184d584542b0f7557d8328b4e6d2cec4e
  • Loki Version: 2.7.5

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.2 – March 02 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 98421b0c0187cad15afe6292db93e95d1a385052
  • Loki Version: 2.7.4

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.1 – January 26 2023

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: c35554d0956dd1a313277c5d56e49de7c6936161
  • Loki Version: 2.7.2

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.6.0 – November 23 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 8e9702950cbc697cab70966d98e5cdafa1cd546e
  • Loki Version: 2.7.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.2 – September 26 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.1 – August 9 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.5.0 – July 19 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 6bd05c9a4399805b7951f8a3fb59f4aebf60e6cd
  • Loki Version: 2.6.1

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.4.1 – May 20 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 2d9d0ee236ea302950fcf21edc53d53050a3fbbb
  • Loki Version: 2.5.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.4.0 – April 13 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 2d9d0ee236ea302950fcf21edc53d53050a3fbbb
  • Loki Version: 2.5.0

For more information, refer to the release notes

v1.3.1 – May 3 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 525040a3265715ca8cfb52cd39108ccfac9f8af6
  • Loki Version: 2.4.2


  • [SECURITY] Fix of enterprise authentication bypass in Grafana Enterprise Logs component “querier”. (CVE-2022-28660)
    • When Grafana Enterprise Logs is deployed in microservices mode and enterprise authentication is used (-auth.type=enterprise), the querier component is not enforcing authentication and can be queried just specifying the tenant ID in the X-Scope-OrgID header, when its HTTP port is exposed. The HTTP port should not be exposed to external traffic.
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.17.9.
  • [SECURITY] Update base image to use Alpine Linux 1.15.4.

v1.3.0 – January 13 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 525040a3265715ca8cfb52cd39108ccfac9f8af6
  • Loki Version: 2.4.2


  • [FEATURE] Add a /node/api/v1/debug-export endpoint that returns the configuration, version and process information in a zip file
  • [FEATURE] Admin-API: Added support for Azure Storage
  • [BUGFIX] Fix /config endpoint not showing GEL-related configuration (ex: admin_api)
  • [BUGFIX] Fix common config parsing of s3 url style configuration for the admin client

v1.2.1 – May 3 2022

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: f61a4d2612d8fa3a385c90c363301ec05bab34d8
  • Loki Version: 2.4.1


  • [SECURITY] Fix of enterprise authentication bypass in Grafana Enterprise Logs component “querier”. (CVE-2022-28660)
    • When Grafana Enterprise Logs is deployed in microservices mode and enterprise authentication is used (-auth.type=enterprise), the querier component is not enforcing authentication and can be queried just specifying the tenant ID in the X-Scope-OrgID header, when its HTTP port is exposed. The HTTP port should not be exposed to external traffic.
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.17.9.
  • [SECURITY] Update base image to use Alpine Linux 1.14.6.

v1.2.0 – November 11 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: f61a4d2612d8fa3a385c90c363301ec05bab34d8
  • Loki Version: 2.4.1


  • [CHANGE] The default distributor ring storage is now inmemory (formerly consul)
  • [CHANGE] The default ingestion_rate_strategy is now global (formerly local). This makes the ring necessary for the distributor by default
  • [CHANGE] The default max_global_streams_per_user is now 5000 (formerly 0 (no limit))
  • [CHANGE] The default max_query_length is now 721h (formerly 0h (no limit))
  • [CHANGE] The default max_query_parallelism is now 32 (formerly 14)
  • [CHANGE] The default max_streams_per_user is now 0 (no limit) (formerly 10000)
  • [CHANGE] The default reject_old_samples is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] The default reject_old_samples_max_age is now 168h (formerly 336h)
  • [CHANGE] Automatically apply memberlist config to all rings when provided
  • [CHANGE] The default grpc_server_min_time_between_pings is now 10s (formerly 5m)
  • [CHANGE] The default grpc_server_ping_without_stream_allowed is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] Metrics related to chunk storage and runtime config have changed their prefixes from cortex_ to loki_
    • cortex_runtime_config* -> loki_runtime_config*
    • cortex_chunks_store* -> loki_chunks_store*
  • [CHANGE] The default ingester WAL enabled is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] The default ingester wAL chunk transfers is now 0 (formerly 10)
  • [CHANGE] The default unordered_writes is now true (formerly false)
  • [CHANGE] Inmemory FIFO cache is now enabled by default to cache query results and chunks
  • [CHANGE] Logs gateway exposes additional scheduler/ring endpoint introduced in Loki 2.4
  • [CHANGE] Admin API Leader Election is now enabled by default
  • [FEATURE] Allow for reporting CPU time usage to AWS Marketplace metering service in case GEL is running as AWS Marketplace container product using the -license.type=aws-marketplace command line flag.
  • [FEATURE] Add new simple scalable mode (see architecture docs for reference). To use it, set target=read or target=write to deploy new read-path components or write-path components as a single process.
  • [FEATURE] Add a new configuration section named common that allows reuse of configuration across different components. For reference, check configuration docs
  • [FEATURE] Add new virtual targets read and write to enable GEL to be run in a “Simple Scalable Topology”
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Expose value of GOMAXPROCS, as well as CPU quota information (number of cores, cgroup quota) as Prometheus metrics.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Admin-API: Add a new endpoint for returning product and feature information at /admin/api/v1/features
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Admin-API: Add new Admin API v2 endpoints that replace the term ‘instance’ used in version v1 with the term ’tenant’
    • /admin/api/v2/accesspolicies
    • /admin/api/v2/clusters
    • /admin/api/v2/features
    • /admin/api/v2/licenses
    • /admin/api/v2/tenants
    • /admin/api/v2/tokens
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Loopback net interface is now part of the default interfaces used by Loki components
  • [BUGFIX] Initialize the Admin API correctly so it can elect an API leader if multiple instances are present and API leadership is enabled.
  • [BUGFIX] Register correct URL of the ring endpoint (/ring) in the gateway

v1.1.0 – July 15 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: c44c12b9304751744fb7c5005ee2f5277d78eed2
  • Loki Version: 2.2.1


  • [SECURITY] Prevent path traversal attack from users able to control the HTTP header X-Scope-OrgID. (CVE-2021-36156, CVE-2021-36157)
    • Users only have control of the HTTP header when GEL is configured with flags -auth.type=default and -tenant-federation.enabled=false
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.16.6. (CVE-2021-34558).
  • [FEATURE] Queries: Add LBAC enforcement for queries and label value requests. #109
  • [FEATURE] Add gateway target that can be configured to proxy requests to microservices and can be used to load balance remote_write requests to the distributors. #115
  • [FIX] Support query-frontend when running in microservices mode. #121
  • [FIX] Rename the Prometheus collector namespace from logs_enterprise to enterprise_logs. #173

v1.0.1 – July 21 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: da64e188580a77017ea4b3d1c03f1aa4ba6ea5ca
  • Loki Version: v2.1.0-157


  • [SECURITY] Prevent path traversal attack from users able to control the HTTP header X-Scope-OrgID. (CVE-2021-36156, CVE-2021-36157)
    • Users only have control of the HTTP header when GEL is configured with flags -auth.type=default and -tenant-federation.enabled=false
  • [SECURITY] Update build image to use Go 1.15.14 (CVE-2021-34558).

v1.0.0 – February 17 2021

Upstream Loki details

  • Loki Hash: 76e713f57dc4c16d444675c6e15526f968b3e51e
  • Loki Version: 2.1.0-155


  • [CHANGE] Update Loki and Cortex versions.