
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud


Network metrics is an experimental under development feature, expect breaking changes.

Beyla Network Metrics configuration options

Network metrics are configured under the network property of the Beyla Configuration YAML file or with a set of environment variables prefixed as BEYLA_NETWORK_.

Example YAML:

  enable: true
    - k8s.src.namespace
    - k8s.dst.namespace
    - src.cidr
    - dst.cidr

Network metrics configuration properties

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Enables network metrics reporting in Beyla.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault
allowed_attributesBEYLA_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES[], k8s.src.namespace,, k8s.dst.namespace,

Specifies which attributes are visible in the metrics. Beyla aggregates the metrics by their common visible attributes. For example, hiding the and allowing would aggregate the metrics of all the pods under the same owner.

This property won’t filter some meta-attributes such as instance, job,, service_name, telemetry.sdk.*, etc.

See the network metrics documentation for a detailed list of all the available attributes.


Select carefully the reported attributes, as some attributes might greatly increase the cardinality of your metrics. Setting this value to list only the attributes you really need is highly recommended.

If you set this property via environment variable each entry must be separated by a comma, for example:

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

CIDRs list, to be set as the src.cidr and dst.cidr attribute with the entry that matches the src.address and dst.address respectively.

The attribute as a function of the source and destination IP addresses. If an IP address does not match any address here, the attributes won’t be set. If an IP address matches multiple CIDR definitions, the flow is decorated with the narrowest CIDR. As a result, you can safely add a entry to group all the traffic that does not match any of the other CIDRs.

If you set this property via environment variable each entry must be separated by a comma, for example:

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault
agent_ipBEYLA_NETWORK_AGENT_IPstring(not set)

Allows overriding the reported beyla.ip attribute on each metric. If not set, Beyla automatically detects its own IP address from the specified network interface (see next property).

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies which interface Beyla should use to pick its own IP address to set the value of the beyla.ip attribute. Accepted values are: external (default), local, or name:<interface name> (e.g. name:eth0).

If the agent_ip configuration property is set, this property has no effect.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies which type of IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 or both) Beyla should report in the beyla.ip field of each flow. Accepted values are: any (default), ipv4, ipv6. If the agent_ip configuration property is set, this property has no effect.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

The interface names where flows are collected from. If empty, Beyla fetches all the interfaces in the system, excepting the ones listed in excluded_interfaces (see below). If an entry is enclosed by slashes (e.g. /br-/), it is matched as regular expression, otherwise it is matched as a case-sensitive string.

If you set this property via environment variable each entry must be separated by a comma, for example:

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

The interface names to be excluded from network flow tracing. Default: lo (loop-back). If an entry is enclosed by slashes (e.g. /br-/), it is matched as a regular expression, otherwise it is matched as a case-sensitive string.

If you set this property via environment variable each entry must be separated by a comma, for example:

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies how many flows can be accumulated in the accounting cache before being flushed for its later export. Default value is 5000. Decrease it if you see the “received message larger than max” error in Beyla logs.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies the maximum duration that flows are kept in the accounting cache before being flushed for its later export.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Allows selecting which flows to trace according to its direction in the interface where they are captured from. Accepted values are ingress, egress, or both (default).


In this context, ingress or egress are not related to incoming/outgoing traffic from outside the node or the cluster, but the network interface. This means that the same network packet could be seen as “ingress” in a virtual network device and as “egress” in the backing physical network interface.
YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault
samplingBEYLA_NETWORK_SAMPLINGinteger0 (disabled)

The rate at which packets should be sampled and sent to the target collector. For example, if set to 100, one out of 100 packets, on average, are sent to the target collector.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

If set to true, Beyla prints each network flow to standard output. Note, this might generate a lot of output.