
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Beylabreadcrumb arrow Exported metrics
Grafana Cloud

Beyla exported metrics

The following table describes the exported metrics in both OpenTelemetry and Prometheus format.

Name (OTEL)Name (Prometheus)TypeUnitDescription
http.client.request.durationhttp_client_request_duration_secondsHistogramsecondsDuration of HTTP service calls from the client side
http.client.request.body.sizehttp_client_request_body_size_bytesHistogrambytesSize of the HTTP request body as sent by the client
http.server.request.durationhttp_server_request_duration_secondsHistogramsecondsDuration of HTTP service calls from the server side
http.server.request.body.sizehttp_server_request_body_size_bytesHistogrambytesSize of the HTTP request body as received at the server side
rpc.client.durationrpc_client_duration_secondsHistogramsecondsDuration of GRPC service calls from the client side
rpc.server.durationrpc_server_duration_secondsHistogramsecondsDuration of RPC service calls from the server side
sql.client.durationsql_client_duration_secondsHistogramsecondsDuration of SQL client operations (Experimental)

Internal metrics

Beyla can be configured to report internal metrics in Prometheus Format.

ebpf_tracer_flushesHistogramLength of the groups of traces flushed from the eBPF tracer to the next pipeline stage
otel_metric_exportsCounterLength of the metric batches submitted to the remote OTEL collector
otel_metric_export_errorsCounterVecError count on each failed OTEL metric export, by error type
otel_trace_exportsCounterLength of the trace batches submitted to the remote OTEL collector
otel_trace_export_errorsCounterVecError count on each failed OTEL trace export, by error type
prometheus_http_requestsCounterVecNumber of requests towards the Prometheus Scrape endpoint, faceted by HTTP port and path