Configure the Beyla internal metrics reporter
Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Beylabreadcrumb arrow Configurebreadcrumb arrow Internal metrics reporter
Grafana Cloud

Configure the Beyla internal metrics reporter

YAML section internal_metrics.

This component reports certain internal metrics about the behavior of the auto-instrumentation tool. The component supports Prometheus and OpenTelemetry metrics export.

To enable Prometheus metrics export, set exporter to prometheus in the internal_metrics section, and set port in the prometheus subsection.

To enable OpenTelemetry metrics export, set exporter to otel in the internal_metrics, and set an endpoint in the otel_metrics_export section or grafana.otlp section.


  exporter: prometheus
    port: 6060
    path: /internal/metrics
YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies the internal metrics exporter. Accepted values are disabled, prometheus and otel.

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies the HTTP port for the Prometheus scrape endpoint. If unset or 0, no Prometheus endpoint is open and no metrics are accounted.

Its value can be the same as prometheus_export.port (both metric families share the same HTTP server, though they can be accessed in different paths), or a different value (two different HTTP servers for the different metric families).

YAMLEnvironment variableTypeDefault

Specifies the HTTP query path to fetch the list of Prometheus metrics. If prometheus_export.port and internal_metrics.prometheus.port have the same values, this internal_metrics.prometheus.path value can be different from prometheus_export.path, to keep both metric families separated, or the same (both metric families are listed in the same scrape endpoint).