Open source


otelcol.processor.discovery accepts traces telemetry data from other otelcol components. It can be paired with discovery.* components, which supply a list of labels for each discovered target. otelcol.processor.discovery adds resource attributes to spans which have a hostname matching the one in the __address__ label provided by the discovery.* component.


otelcol.processor.discovery is a custom component unrelated to any processors from the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Multiple otelcol.processor.discovery components can be specified by giving them different labels.


It can be difficult to follow OpenTelemetry semantic conventions when adding resource attributes via otelcol.processor.discovery:

  • discovery.relabel and most discovery.* processes such as discovery.kubernetes can only emit Prometheus-compatible labels.
  • Prometheus labels use underscores (_) in labels names, whereas OpenTelemetry semantic conventions use dots (.).
  • Although otelcol.processor.discovery is able to work with non-Prometheus labels such as ones containing dots, the fact that discovery.* components are generally only compatible with Prometheus naming conventions makes it hard to follow OpenTelemetry semantic conventions in otelcol.processor.discovery.

If your use case is to add resource attributes which contain Kubernetes metadata, consider using otelcol.processor.k8sattributes instead.

The main use case for otelcol.processor.discovery is for users who migrate to Alloy from Grafana Agent Static mode prom_sd_operation_type/prom_sd_pod_associations configuration options.


otelcol.processor.discovery "LABEL" {
  targets = [...]
  output {
    traces  = [...]


otelcol.processor.discovery supports the following arguments:

targetslist(map(string))List of target labels to apply to the spans.yes
operation_typestringConfigures whether to update a span’s attribute if it already exists.upsertno
pod_associationslist(string)Configures how to decide the hostname of the span.["ip", "", "k8s.pod.ip", "hostname", "connection"]no

targets could come from discovery.* components:

  1. The __address__ label will be matched against the IP address of incoming spans.
    • If __address__ contains a port, it is ignored.
  2. If a match is found, then relabeling rules are applied.
    • Note that labels starting with __ will not be added to the spans.

The supported values for operation_type are:

  • insert: Inserts a new resource attribute if the key does not already exist.
  • update: Updates a resource attribute if the key already exists.
  • upsert: Either inserts a new resource attribute if the key does not already exist, or updates a resource attribute if the key does exist.

The supported values for pod_associations are:

  • ip: The hostname will be sourced from an ip resource attribute.
  • The hostname will be sourced from a resource attribute.
  • k8s.pod.ip: The hostname will be sourced from a k8s.pod.ip resource attribute.
  • hostname: The hostname will be sourced from a resource attribute.
  • connection: The hostname will be sourced from the context from the incoming requests (gRPC and HTTP).

If multiple pod_associations methods are enabled, the order of evaluation is honored. For example, when pod_associations is ["ip", ""], "" may be matched only if "ip" hasn’t already matched.


The following blocks are supported inside the definition of otelcol.processor.discovery:

outputoutputConfigures where to send received telemetry data.yes

output block

The output block configures a set of components to forward resulting telemetry data to.

The following arguments are supported:

traceslist(otelcol.Consumer)List of consumers to send traces to.[]no

You must specify the output block, but all its arguments are optional. By default, telemetry data is dropped. Configure the traces argument accordingly to send telemetry data to other components.

Exported fields

The following fields are exported and can be referenced by other components:

inputotelcol.ConsumerA value that other components can use to send telemetry data to.

input accepts otelcol.Consumer OTLP-formatted data for telemetry signals of these types:

  • traces

Component health

otelcol.processor.discovery is only reported as unhealthy if given an invalid configuration.

Debug information

otelcol.processor.discovery doesn’t expose any component-specific debug information.


Basic usage

discovery.http "dynamic_targets" {
    url              = ""
    refresh_interval = "15s"

otelcol.processor.discovery "default" {
    targets = discovery.http.dynamic_targets.targets

    output {
        traces = [otelcol.exporter.otlp.default.input]

Using more than one discovery process

Outputs from more than one discovery process can be combined via the array.concat function.

discovery.http "dynamic_targets" {
    url              = ""
    refresh_interval = "15s"

discovery.kubelet "k8s_pods" {
  bearer_token_file = "/var/run/secrets/"
  namespaces        = ["default", "kube-system"]

otelcol.processor.discovery "default" {
    targets = array.concat(discovery.http.dynamic_targets.targets, discovery.kubelet.k8s_pods.targets)

    output {
        traces = [otelcol.exporter.otlp.default.input]

Using a preconfigured list of attributes

It’s not necessary to use a discovery component. In the example below, both a test_label and a test.label.with.dots resource attributes will be added to a span if its IP address is “”. The __internal_label__ will be not be added to the span, because it begins with a double underscore (__).

otelcol.processor.discovery "default" {
    targets = [{
        "__address__"          = "",
        "__internal_label__"   = "test_val",
        "test_label"           = "test_val2",
        "test.label.with.dots" = "test.val2.with.dots"}]

    output {
        traces = [otelcol.exporter.otlp.default.input]

Compatible components

otelcol.processor.discovery can accept arguments from the following components:

otelcol.processor.discovery has exports that can be consumed by the following components:


Connecting some components may not be sensible or components may require further configuration to make the connection work correctly. Refer to the linked documentation for more details.