

Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.



The prometheus.exporter.postgres component embeds postgres_exporter for collecting metrics from a postgres database.

Multiple prometheus.exporter.postgres components can be specified by giving them different labels.


prometheus.exporter.postgres "LABEL" {
    data_source_names = DATA_SOURCE_NAMES_LIST


The following arguments are supported:

data_source_nameslist(secret)Specifies the Postgres server(s) to connect to.yes
disable_settings_metricsboolDisables collection of metrics from pg_settings.falseno
disable_default_metricsboolWhen true, only exposes metrics supplied from custom_queries_config_path.falseno
custom_queries_config_pathstringPath to YAML file containing custom queries to expose as metrics.""no
enabled_collectorslist(string)List of collectors to enable. See below for more detail.[]no

The format for connection strings in data_source_names can be found in the official postgresql documentation.

See examples for the custom_queries_config_path file in the postgres_exporter repository.

NOTE: There are a number of environment variables that are not recommended for use, as they will affect all prometheus.exporter.postgres components. A full list can be found in the postgres_exporter repository.

By default, the same set of metrics is enabled as in the upstream postgres_exporter. If custom_queries_config_path is set, additional metrics defined in the given config file will be exposed. If disable_default_metrics is set to true, only the metrics defined in the custom_queries_config_path file will be exposed.

A subset of metrics collectors can be controlled by setting the enabled_collectors argument. The following collectors are available for selection: database, database_wraparound, locks, long_running_transactions, postmaster, process_idle, replication, replication_slot, stat_activity_autovacuum, stat_bgwriter, stat_database, stat_statements, stat_user_tables, stat_wal_receiver, statio_user_indexes, statio_user_tables, wal, xlog_location.

By default, the following collectors are enabled: database, locks, replication, replication_slot, stat_bgwriter, stat_database, stat_user_tables, statio_user_tables, wal.


Due to a limitation of the upstream exporter, when multiple data_source_names are used, the collectors that are controlled via the enabled_collectors argument will only be applied to the first data source in the list.


The following blocks are supported:

autodiscoveryautodiscoveryDatabase discovery

autodiscovery block

The autodiscovery block configures discovery of databases, outside of any specified in data_source_names.

The following arguments are supported:

enabledboolWhether to autodiscover other databasesfalseno
database_allowlistlist(string)List of databases to filter for, meaning only these databases will be
database_denylistlist(string)List of databases to filter out, meaning all other databases will be

If enabled is set to true and no allowlist or denylist is specified, the exporter will scrape from all databases.

If autodiscovery is disabled, neither database_allowlist nor database_denylist will have any effect.

Exported fields

The following fields are exported and can be referenced by other components.

targetslist(map(string))The targets that can be used to collect exporter metrics.

For example, the targets can either be passed to a discovery.relabel component to rewrite the targets’ label sets or to a prometheus.scrape component that collects the exposed metrics.

The exported targets use the configured in-memory traffic address specified by the run command.

Component health

prometheus.exporter.postgres is only reported as unhealthy if given an invalid configuration.

Debug information

prometheus.exporter.postgres does not expose any component-specific debug information.

Debug metrics

prometheus.exporter.postgres does not expose any component-specific debug metrics.


Collect metrics from a PostgreSQL server

This example uses a prometheus.exporter.postgres component to collect metrics from a Postgres server running locally with all default settings:

// Because no autodiscovery is defined, this will only scrape the 'database_name' database, as defined
// in the DSN below.
prometheus.exporter.postgres "example" {
  data_source_names = ["postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable"]

prometheus.scrape "default" {
  targets    = prometheus.exporter.postgres.example.targets
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.demo.receiver]

prometheus.remote_write "demo" {
  endpoint {

    basic_auth {
      username = USERNAME
      password = PASSWORD

Replace the following:

  • PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL: The URL of the Prometheus remote_write-compatible server to send metrics to.
  • USERNAME: The username to use for authentication to the remote_write API.
  • PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication to the remote_write API.

Collect custom metrics from an allowlisted set of databases

This example uses a prometheus.exporter.postgres component to collect custom metrics from a set of specific databases, replacing default metrics with custom metrics derived from queries in /etc/agent/custom-postgres-metrics.yaml:

prometheus.exporter.postgres "example" {
  data_source_names = ["postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable"]

  // This block configures autodiscovery to check for databases outside of the 'database_name' db
  // specified in the DSN above. The database_allowlist field means that only the 'frontend_app' and 'backend_app'
  // databases will be scraped.
  autodiscovery {
    enabled            = true
    database_allowlist = ["frontend_app", "backend_app"]

  disable_default_metrics    = true
  custom_queries_config_path = "/etc/agent/custom-postgres-metrics.yaml"

prometheus.scrape "default" {
  targets    = prometheus.exporter.postgres.example.targets
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.demo.receiver]

prometheus.remote_write "demo" {
  endpoint {

    basic_auth {
      username = USERNAME
      password = PASSWORD

Replace the following:

  • PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL: The URL of the Prometheus remote_write-compatible server to send metrics to.
  • USERNAME: The username to use for authentication to the remote_write API.
  • PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication to the remote_write API.

Collect metrics from all databases except for a denylisted database

This example uses a prometheus.exporter.postgres component to collect custom metrics from all databases except for the secrets database.

prometheus.exporter.postgres "example" {
  data_source_names = ["postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable"]

  // The database_denylist field will filter out those databases from the list of databases to scrape,
  // meaning that all databases *except* these will be scraped.
  // In this example it will scrape all databases except for the one named 'secrets'.
  autodiscovery {
    enabled           = true
    database_denylist = ["secrets"]

prometheus.scrape "default" {
  targets    = prometheus.exporter.postgres.example.targets
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.demo.receiver]

prometheus.remote_write "demo" {
  endpoint {

    basic_auth {
      username = USERNAME
      password = PASSWORD

Replace the following:

  • PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL: The URL of the Prometheus remote_write-compatible server to send metrics to.
  • USERNAME: The username to use for authentication to the remote_write API.
  • PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication to the remote_write API.

Compatible components

prometheus.exporter.postgres has exports that can be consumed by the following components:


Connecting some components may not be sensible or components may require further configuration to make the connection work correctly. Refer to the linked documentation for more details.