

Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source


discovery.ec2 lets you retrieve scrape targets from EC2 instances. The private IP address is used by default, but you can change it to the public IP address using relabeling.

The IAM credentials used must have the ec2:DescribeInstances permission to discover scrape targets, and may optionally have the ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones permission to make the availability zone ID available as a label.


discovery.ec2 "LABEL" {


The following arguments are supported:

endpointstringCustom endpoint to be
regionstringThe AWS region. If blank, the region from the instance metadata is
access_keystringThe AWS API key ID. If blank, the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is
secret_keystringThe AWS API key secret. If blank, the environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is
profilestringNamed AWS profile used to connect to the
role_arnstringAWS Role Amazon Resource Name (ARN), an alternative to using AWS API
refresh_intervalstringRefresh interval to re-read the instance list.60sno
portintThe port to scrape metrics from. If using the public IP address, this must instead be specified in the relabeling rule.80no
bearer_token_filestringFile containing a bearer token to authenticate
bearer_tokensecretBearer token to authenticate
enable_http2boolWhether HTTP2 is supported for requests.trueno
follow_redirectsboolWhether redirects returned by the server should be followed.trueno
proxy_urlstringHTTP proxy to send requests
no_proxystringComma-separated list of IP addresses, CIDR notations, and domain names to exclude from
proxy_from_environmentboolUse the proxy URL indicated by environment variables.falseno
proxy_connect_headermap(list(secret))Specifies headers to send to proxies during CONNECT

At most, one of the following can be provided:

no_proxy can contain IPs, CIDR notations, and domain names. IP and domain names can contain port numbers. proxy_url must be configured if no_proxy is configured.

proxy_from_environment uses the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions thereof). Requests use the proxy from the environment variable matching their scheme, unless excluded by NO_PROXY. proxy_url and no_proxy must not be configured if proxy_from_environment is configured.

proxy_connect_header should only be configured if proxy_url or proxy_from_environment are configured.


The following blocks are supported inside the definition of discovery.ec2:

basic_auth[basic_auth][]Configure basic_auth for authenticating to the
authorizationauthorizationConfigure generic authorization to the
filterfilterFilters discoverable
oauth2oauth2Configure OAuth2 for authenticating to the
oauth2 > tls_configtls_configConfigure TLS settings for connecting to the
tls_configtls_configConfigure TLS settings for connecting to the

authorization block

credentials_filestringFile containing the secret
typestringAuthorization type, for example, “Bearer”.no

credential and credentials_file are mutually exclusive, and only one can be provided inside an authorization block.

filter block

Filters can be used optionally to filter the instance list by other criteria. Available filter criteria can be found in the Amazon EC2 documentation.

namestringFilter name to use.yes
valueslist(string)Values to pass to the filter.yes

Refer to the Filter API AWS EC2 documentation for the list of supported filters and their descriptions.

oauth2 block

client_idstringOAuth2 client
client_secret_filestringFile containing the OAuth2 client
client_secretsecretOAuth2 client
endpoint_paramsmap(string)Optional parameters to append to the token
proxy_urlstringHTTP proxy to send requests
no_proxystringComma-separated list of IP addresses, CIDR notations, and domain names to exclude from
proxy_from_environmentboolUse the proxy URL indicated by environment variables.falseno
proxy_connect_headermap(list(secret))Specifies headers to send to proxies during CONNECT
scopeslist(string)List of scopes to authenticate
token_urlstringURL to fetch the token

client_secret and client_secret_file are mutually exclusive, and only one can be provided inside an oauth2 block.

The oauth2 block may also contain a separate tls_config sub-block.

no_proxy can contain IPs, CIDR notations, and domain names. IP and domain names can contain port numbers. proxy_url must be configured if no_proxy is configured.

proxy_from_environment uses the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions thereof). Requests use the proxy from the environment variable matching their scheme, unless excluded by NO_PROXY. proxy_url and no_proxy must not be configured if proxy_from_environment is configured.

proxy_connect_header should only be configured if proxy_url or proxy_from_environment are configured.

tls_config block

ca_pemstringCA PEM-encoded text to validate the server
ca_filestringCA certificate to validate the server
cert_pemstringCertificate PEM-encoded text for client
cert_filestringCertificate file for client
insecure_skip_verifyboolDisables validation of the server
key_filestringKey file for client
key_pemsecretKey PEM-encoded text for client
min_versionstringMinimum acceptable TLS
server_namestringServerName extension to indicate the name of the

The following pairs of arguments are mutually exclusive and can’t both be set simultaneously:

  • ca_pem and ca_file
  • cert_pem and cert_file
  • key_pem and key_file

When configuring client authentication, both the client certificate (using cert_pem or cert_file) and the client key (using key_pem or key_file) must be provided.

When min_version is not provided, the minimum acceptable TLS version is inherited from Go’s default minimum version, TLS 1.2. If min_version is provided, it must be set to one of the following strings:

  • "TLS10" (TLS 1.0)
  • "TLS11" (TLS 1.1)
  • "TLS12" (TLS 1.2)
  • "TLS13" (TLS 1.3)

Exported fields

The following fields are exported and can be referenced by other components:

targetslist(map(string))The set of discovered EC2 targets.

Each target includes the following labels:

  • __meta_ec2_ami: The EC2 Amazon Machine Image.
  • __meta_ec2_architecture: The architecture of the instance.
  • __meta_ec2_availability_zone: The availability zone in which the instance is running.
  • __meta_ec2_availability_zone_id: The availability zone ID in which the instance is running (requires ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones).
  • __meta_ec2_instance_id: The EC2 instance ID.
  • __meta_ec2_instance_lifecycle: The lifecycle of the EC2 instance, set only for ‘spot’ or ‘scheduled’ instances, absent otherwise.
  • __meta_ec2_instance_state: The state of the EC2 instance.
  • __meta_ec2_instance_type: The type of the EC2 instance.
  • __meta_ec2_ipv6_addresses: Comma-separated list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the instance’s network interfaces, if present.
  • __meta_ec2_owner_id: The ID of the AWS account that owns the EC2 instance.
  • __meta_ec2_platform: The Operating System platform, set to ‘windows’ on Windows servers, absent otherwise.
  • __meta_ec2_primary_subnet_id: The subnet ID of the primary network interface, if available.
  • __meta_ec2_private_dns_name: The private DNS name of the instance, if available.
  • __meta_ec2_private_ip: The private IP address of the instance, if present.
  • __meta_ec2_public_dns_name: The public DNS name of the instance, if available.
  • __meta_ec2_public_ip: The public IP address of the instance, if available.
  • __meta_ec2_region: The region of the instance.
  • __meta_ec2_subnet_id: Comma-separated list of subnets IDs in which the instance is running, if available.
  • __meta_ec2_tag_<tagkey>: Each tag value of the instance.
  • __meta_ec2_vpc_id: The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running, if available.

Component health

discovery.ec2 is only reported as unhealthy when given an invalid configuration. In those cases, exported fields retain their last healthy values.

Debug information

discovery.ec2 does not expose any component-specific debug information.

Debug metrics

discovery.ec2 does not expose any component-specific debug metrics.


discovery.ec2 "ec2" {
  region = "us-east-1"

prometheus.scrape "demo" {
  targets    = discovery.ec2.ec2.targets
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.demo.receiver]

prometheus.remote_write "demo" {
  endpoint {

    basic_auth {
      username = USERNAME
      password = PASSWORD

Replace the following:

  • PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL: The URL of the Prometheus remote_write-compatible server to send metrics to.
  • USERNAME: The username to use for authentication to the remote_write API.
  • PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication to the remote_write API.

Compatible components

discovery.ec2 has exports that can be consumed by the following components:


Connecting some components may not be sensible or components may require further configuration to make the connection work correctly. Refer to the linked documentation for more details.