
Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

The component embeds azure-metrics-exporter to collect metrics from Azure Monitor. The exporter uses Azure Resource Graph queries to identify resources for gathering metrics.

The exporter supports all metrics defined by Azure Monitor. You can find the complete list of available metrics in the Azure Monitor documentation. Metrics for this integration are exposed with the template azure_{type}_{metric}_{aggregation}_{unit} by default. As an example, the Egress metric for BlobService would be exported as azure_microsoft_storage_storageaccounts_blobservices_egress_total_bytes.


Grafana agent must be running in an environment with access to Azure. The exporter uses the Azure SDK for go and supports authentication.

The account used by Grafana Agent needs:


river LABEL {
        subscriptions = [

        resource_type = RESOURCE_TYPE

        metrics = [


You can use the following arguments to configure the exporter’s behavior. Omitted fields take their default values.

subscriptionslist(string)List of subscriptions to scrap metrics from.yes
resource_typestringThe Azure Resource Type to scrape metrics for.yes
metricslist(string)The metrics to scrape from resources.yes
resource_graph_query_filterstringThe Kusto query filter to apply when searching for
metric_aggregationslist(string)Aggregations to apply for the metrics
timespanstringISO8601 Duration over which the metrics are being queried."PT1M" (1 minute)no
included_dimensionslist(string)List of dimensions to include on the final
included_resource_tagslist(string)List of resource tags to include on the final metrics.["owner"]no
metric_namespacestringNamespace for resource_type which have multiple levels of
azure_cloud_environmentstringName of the cloud environment to connect to."azurecloud"no
metric_name_templatestringMetric template used to expose the metrics."azure_{type}_{metric}_{aggregation}_{unit}"no
metric_help_templatestringDescription of the metric."Azure metric {metric} for {type} with aggregation {aggregation} as {unit}"no

The list of available resource_type values and their corresponding metrics can be found in Azure Monitor essentials.

The resource_graph_query_filter can be embedded into a template query of the form Resources | where type =~ "<resource_type>" <resource_graph_query_filter> | project id, tags.

Valid values for metric_aggregations are minimum, maximum, average, total, and count. If no aggregation is specified, the value is retrieved from the metric. For example, the aggregation value of the metric Availability in Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts is average.

Every metric has its own set of dimensions. For example, the dimensions for the metric Availability in Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts are GeoType, ApiName, and Authentication. If a single dimension is requested, it will have the name dimension. If multiple dimensions are requested, they will have the name dimension<dimension_name>.

Tags in included_resource_tags will be added as labels with the name tag_<tag_name>.

Valid values for azure_cloud_environment are azurecloud, azurechinacloud, azuregovernmentcloud and azurepprivatecloud.

Exported fields

The following fields are exported and can be referenced by other components.

targetslist(map(string))The targets that can be used to collect exporter metrics.

For example, the targets can either be passed to a discovery.relabel component to rewrite the targets’ label sets or to a prometheus.scrape component that collects the exposed metrics.

The exported targets use the configured in-memory traffic address specified by the run command.

Component health is only reported as unhealthy if given an invalid configuration. In those cases, exported fields retain their last healthy values.

Debug information does not expose any component-specific debug information.

Debug metrics does not expose any component-specific debug metrics.


river "example" {
	subscriptions    = SUBSCRIPTIONS
	resource_type    = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
	metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices"
	metrics          = [
	timespan                    = "PT1H"
	resource_graph_query_filter = "where location == 'westeurope'"

// Configure a prometheus.scrape component to send metrics to.
prometheus.scrape "demo" {
	targets    =
	forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.demo.receiver]

prometheus.remote_write "demo" {
	endpoint {

		basic_auth {
			username = USERNAME
			password = PASSWORD

Replace the following:

  • SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Azure subscription IDs holding the resources you are interested in.
  • PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL: The URL of the Prometheus remote_write-compatible server to send metrics to.
  • USERNAME: The username to use for authentication to the remote_write API.
  • PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication to the remote_write API.