

Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source


loki.process receives log entries from other loki components, applies one or more processing stages, and forwards the results to the list of receivers in the component’s arguments.

A stage is a multi-purpose block that can parse, transform, and filter log entries before they’re passed to a downstream component. These stages are applied to each log entry in order of their appearance in the configuration file. All stages within a loki.process block have access to the log entry’s label set, the log line, the log timestamp, as well as a shared map of ’extracted’ values so that the results of one stage can be used in a subsequent one.

Multiple loki.process components can be specified by giving them different labels.


loki.process "LABEL" {
  forward_to = RECEIVER_LIST

  stage {


loki.process supports the following arguments:

forward_tolist(LogsReceiver)Where to forward log entries after processing.yes


The following blocks are supported inside the definition of loki.process:

stagestageProcessing stage to run.no
stage > dockerdockerConfigures a pre-defined Docker log format pipeline.no
stage > cricriConfigures a pre-defined CRI-format pipeline.no
stage > jsonjsonConfigures a JSON processing stage.no
stage > logfmtlogfmtConfigures a logfmt processing stage.no
stage > labelslabelsConfigures a labels processing stage.no
stage > label_keeplabel_keepConfigures a label_keep processing stage.no
stage > label_droplabel_dropConfigures a label_drop processing stage.no
stage > static_labelsstatic_labelsConfigures a static_labels processing stage.no
stage > regexregexConfigures a regex processing stage.no
stage > timestamptimestampConfigures a timestamp processing stage.no
stage > outputoutputConfigures an output processing stage.no
stage > replacereplaceConfigures a replace processing stage.no
stage > multilinemultilineConfigures a multiline processing stage.no
stage > matchmatchConfigures a match processing stage.no
stage > dropdropConfigures a drop processing stage.no

The > symbol indicates deeper levels of nesting. For example, stage > json refers to a json block defined inside of a stage block.

stage block

The stage block describes a single processing step to run log entries through. As such, each block must have exactly one inner block to match the type of stage to configure. Multiple processing stages must be defined in different blocks and are applied on the incoming log entries in top-down order.

The stage block does not support any arguments and is configured only via inner blocks.

docker block

The docker inner block enables a predefined pipeline which reads log lines in the standard format of Docker log files.

The docker block does not support any arguments or inner blocks, so it is always empty.

stage {
	docker {}

Docker log entries are formatted as JSON with the following keys:

  • log: The content of log line
  • stream: Either stdout or stderr
  • time: The timestamp string of the log line

Given the following log line, the subsequent key-value pairs are created in the shared map of extracted data:

{"log":"log message\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515Z"}

output: log message\n
stream: stderr
timestamp: 2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515

cri block

The cri inner block enables a predefined pipeline which reads log lines using the CRI logging format.

The cri block does not support any arguments or inner blocks, so it is always empty.

stage {
	cri {}

CRI specifies log lines as single space-delimited values with the following components:

  • time: The timestamp string of the log
  • stream: Either stdout or stderr
  • flags: CRI flags including F or P
  • log: The contents of the log line

Given the following log line, the subsequent key-value pairs are created in the shared map of extracted data:

"2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515Z stdout F message"

content: message
stream: stdout
timestamp: 2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515

json block

The json inner block configures a JSON processing stage that parses incoming log lines or previously extracted values as JSON and uses JMESPath expressions to extract new values from them.

The following arguments are supported:

expressionsmap(string)Key-value pairs of JMESPath expressions.yes
sourcestringSource of the data to parse as JSON.""no
drop_malformedboolDrop lines whose input cannot be parsed as valid JSON.falseno

When configuring a JSON stage, the source field defines the source of data to parse as JSON. By default, this is the log line itself, but it can also be a previously extracted value.

The expressions field is the set of key-value pairs of MESPath expressions to run. The map key defines the name with which the data is extracted, while the map value is the expression used to populate the value.

Here’s a given log line and two JSON stages to run.

{"log":"log message\n","extra":"{\"user\":\"agent\"}"}

loki.process "username" {
	stage {
		json {
			expressions = {output = log, extra = ""}

	stage {
		json {
			source      = "extra"
			expressions = {username = "user"}

In this example, the first stage uses the log line as the source and populates these values in the shared map. An empty expression means using the same value as the key (so extra="extra").

output: log message\n
extra: {"user": "agent"}

The second stage uses the value in extra as the input and appends the following key-value pair to the set of extracted data.

username: agent

logfmt block

The logfmt inner block configures a processing stage that reads incoming log lines as logfmt and extracts values from them.

The following arguments are supported:

mappingmap(string)Key-value pairs of logmft fields to extract.yes
sourcestringSource of the data to parse as logfmt.""no

The source field defines the source of data to parse as logfmt. When source is missing or empty, the stage parses the log line itself, but it can also be used to parse a previously extracted value.

This stage uses the go-logfmt unmarshaler, so that numeric or boolean types are unmarshalled into their correct form. The stage does not perform any other type conversions. If the extracted value is a complex type, it is treated as a string.

Let’s see how this works on the following log line and stages.

time=2012-11-01T22:08:41+00:00 app=loki level=WARN duration=125 message="this is a log line" extra="user=foo"

stage {
	logfmt {
		mapping = { "extra" = "" }

stage {
	logfmt {
		mapping = { "username" = "user" }
		source  = "extra"

The first stage parses the log line itself and inserts the extra key in the set of extracted data, with the value of user=foo.

The second stage parses the contents of extra and appends the username: foo key-value pair to the set of extracted data.

labels block

The labels inner block configures a labels processing stage that can read data from the extracted values map and set new labels on incoming log entries.

The following arguments are supported:

valuesmap(string)Configures a labels processing stage.{}no

In a labels stage, the map’s keys define the label to set and the values are how to look them up. If the value is empty, it is inferred to be the same as the key.

stage {
	labels {
		values = {
			env  = "",         // Sets up an 'env' label, based on the 'env' extracted value.
			user = "username", // Sets up a 'user' label, based on the 'username' extracted value.

label_keep block

The label_keep inner block configures a processing stage that filters the label set of an incoming log entry down to a subset.

The following arguments are supported:

valueslist(string)Configures a label_keep processing stage.{}no
stage {
	label_keep {
		values = [ "kubernetes_pod_name", "kubernetes_container_name" ]

label_drop block

The label_drop inner block configures a processing stage that drops labels from incoming log entries.

The following arguments are supported:

valueslist(string)Configures a label_drop processing stage.{}no
stage {
	label_drop {
		values = [ "kubernetes_node_name", "kubernetes_namespace" ]

static_labels block

The static_labels inner block configures a static_labels processing stage that adds a static set of labels to incoming log entries.

The following arguments are supported:

valuesmap(string)Configures a static_labels processing stage.{}no
stage {
	static_labels {
		values = {
			foo = "fooval",
			bar = "barval",

regex block

The regex inner block configures a processing stage that parses log lines using regular expressions and uses named capture groups for adding data into the shared extracted map of values.

The following arguments are supported:

expressionstringA valid RE2 regular expression. Each capture group must be named.yes
sourcestringName from extracted data to parse. If empty, uses the log message.""no

The expression field needs to be a RE2 regex string. Every matched capture group is added to the extracted map, so it must be named like: (?P<name>re). The name of the capture group is then used as the key in the extracted map for the matched value.

Because of how River strings work, any backslashes in expression must be escaped with a double backslash; for example "\\w" or "\\S+".

If the source is empty or missing, then the stage parses the log line itself. If it’s set, the stage parses a previously extracted value with the same name.

Given the following log line and regex stage, the extracted values are shown below:

2019-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z stderr P i'm a log message!

stage {
  regex {
    expression = "^(?s)(?P<time>\\S+?) (?P<stream>stdout|stderr) (?P<flags>\\S+?) (?P<content>.*)$"

time: 2019-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z,
stream: stderr,
flags: P,
content: i'm a log message

On the other hand, if the source value is set, then the regex is applied to the value stored in the shared map under that name.

Let’s see what happens when the following log line is put through this two-stage pipeline:


stage {
  json {
    expressions = { time = "timestamp" }
stage {
  regex {
    expression = "^(?P<year>\\d+)"
    source     = "time"

The first stage adds the following key-value pair into the extracted map:

time: 2022-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z

Then, the regex stage parses the value for time from the shared values and appends the subsequent key-value pair back into the extracted values map:

year: 2022

timestamp block

The timestamp inner block configures a processing stage that sets the timestamp of log entries before they’re forwarded to the next component. When no timestamp stage is set, the log entry timestamp defaults to the time when the log entry was scraped.

The following arguments are supported:

sourcestringName from extracted values map to use for the timestamp.yes
formatstringDetermines how to parse the source string.yes
fallback_formatslist(string)Fallback formats to try if the format field fails.[]no
locationstringIANA Timezone Database location to use when parsing.""no
action_on_failurestringWhat to do when the timestamp can’t be extracted or parsed."fudge"no

The source field defines which value from the shared map of extracted values the stage should attempt to parse as a timestamp.

The format field defines how that source should be parsed.

First off, the format can be set to one of the following shorthand values for commonly-used forms:

ANSIC: Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006
UnixDate: Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006
RubyDate: Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006
RFC822: 02 Jan 06 15:04 MST
RFC822Z: 02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700
RFC850: Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST
RFC1123: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
RFC1123Z: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700
RFC3339: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00
RFC3339Nano: 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999-07:00

Additionally, support for common Unix timestamps is supported with the following format values:

Unix: 1562708916 or with fractions 1562708916.000000123
UnixMs: 1562708916414
UnixUs: 1562708916414123
UnixNs: 1562708916000000123

Otherwise, the field accepts a custom format string that defines how an arbitrary reference point in history should be interpreted by the stage. The arbitrary reference point is Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006.

The string value of the field is passed directly to the layout parameter in Go’s time.Parse function.

If the custom format has no year component, the stage uses the current year, according to the system’s clock.

The following table shows the supported reference values to use when defining a custom format.

Timestamp ComponentFormat value
Year06, 2006
Month1, 01, Jan, January
Day2, 02, _2 (two digits right justified)
Day of the weekMon, Monday
Hour3 (12-hour), 03 (12-hour zero prefixed), 15 (24-hour)
Minute4, 04
Second5, 05
Fraction of second.000 (ms zero prefixed), .000000 (μs), .000000000 (ns), .999 (ms without trailing zeroes), .999999 (μs), .999999999 (ns)
12-hour periodpm, PM
Timezone nameMST
Timezone offset-0700, -070000 (with seconds), -07, 07:00, -07:00:00 (with seconds)
Timezone ISO-8601Z0700 (Z for UTC or time offset), Z070000, Z07, Z07:00, Z07:00:00

The fallback_formats field defines one or more format fields to try and parse the timestamp with, if parsing with format fails.

The location field must be a valid IANA Timezone Database location and determines in which timezone the timestamp value is interpreted to be in.

The action_on_failure field defines what should happen when the source field doesn’t exist in the shared extracted map, or if the timestamp parsing fails.

The supported actions are:

  • fudge (default): Change the timestamp to the last known timestamp, summing up 1 nanosecond (to guarantee log entries ordering).
  • skip: Do not change the timestamp and keep the time when the log entry was scraped.

The following stage fetches the time value from the shared values map, parses it as a RFC3339 format, and sets it as the log entry’s timestamp.

stage {
	timestamp {
		source = "time"
		format = "RFC3339"

output block

The output inner block configures a processing stage that reads from the extracted map and changes the content of the log entry that is forwarded to the next component.

The following arguments are supported:

sourcestringName from extracted data to use for the log entry.yes

Let’s see how this works for the following log line and three-stage pipeline:

{"user": "John Doe", "message": "hello, world!"}

stage {
	json {
		expressions = { "user" = "user", "message" = "message" }

stage {
	labels {
		values = { "user" = "user" }

stage {
	output {
		source = "message"

The first stage extracts the following key-value pairs into the shared map:

user: John Doe
message: hello, world!

Then, the second stage adds user="John Doe" to the label set of the log entry, and the final output stage changes the log line from the original JSON to hello, world!.

replace block

The replace inner block configures a stage that parses a log line using a regular expression and replaces the log line contents. Named capture groups in the regex also support adding data into the shared extracted map.

The following arguments are supported:

expressionstringName from extracted data to use for the log entry.yes
sourcestringSource of the data to parse. If empty, it uses the log message.no
replacestringValue replaced by the capture group.no

The source field defines the source of data to parse using expression. When source is missing or empty, the stage parses the log line itself, but it can also be used to parse a previously extracted value. The replaced value is assigned back to the source key.

The expression must be a valid RE2 regex. Every named capture group (?P<name>re) is set into the extracted map with its name.

Because of how River treats backslashes in double-quoted strings, note that all backslashes in a regex expression must be escaped like "\\w*".

Let’s see how this works with the following log line and stage. Since source is omitted, the replacement occurs on the log line itself.

2023-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z stderr P i'm a log message who has sensitive information with password xyz!

stage {
	replace {
		expression = "password (\\S+)"
		replace    = "*****"

The log line is transformed to

2023-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z stderr P i'm a log message who has sensitive information with password *****!

If replace is empty, then the captured value is omitted instead.

In the following example, source is defined.

{"time":"2023-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z", "level": "info", "msg":" - \"POST /loki/api/push/ HTTP/1.1\" 200 932 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0\"}

stage {
	json {
		expressions = { "level" = "", "msg" = "" }

stage {
	replace {
		expression = "\\S+ - \"POST (\\S+) .*"
		source     = "msg"
		replace    = "redacted_url"

The JSON stage adds the following key-value pairs into the extracted map:

time: 2023-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z
level: info
msg: " - "POST /loki/api/push/ HTTP/1.1" 200 932 "-" "Mozilla/5.0"

The replace stage acts on the msg value. The capture group matches against /loki/api/push and is replaced by redacted_url.

The msg value is finally transformed into:

msg: " - "POST redacted_url HTTP/1.1" 200 932 "-" "Mozilla/5.0"

The replace field can use a set of templating functions, by utilizing Go’s text/template package.

Let’s see how this works with named capture groups with a sample log line and stage. - agent [01/Jan/2023:00:00:01 +0200]

stage {
	replace {
		expression = "^(?P<ip>\\S+) (?P<identd>\\S+) (?P<user>\\S+) \\[(?P<timestamp>[\\w:/]+\\s[+\\-]\\d{4})\\]"
		replace    = "{{ .Value | ToUpper }}"

Since source is empty, the regex parses the log line itself and extracts the named capture groups to the shared map of values. The replace field acts on these extracted values and converts them to uppercase:

identd: -
user: FRANK
timestamp: 01/JAN/2023:00:00:01 +0200

and the log line becomes: - FRANK [01/JAN/2023:00:00:01 +0200] 

The following list contains available functions with examples of more complex replace fields.

ToLower, ToUpper, Replace, Trim, TrimLeftTrimRight, TrimPrefix, TrimSuffix, TrimSpace, Hash, Sha2Hash, regexReplaceAll, regexReplaceAllLiteral

"{{ if eq .Value \"200\" }}{{ Replace .Value \"200\" \"HttpStatusOk\" -1 }}{{ else }}{{ .Value | ToUpper }}{{ end }}"
"*IP4*{{ .Value | Hash "salt" }}*"

multiline block

The multiline inner block merges multiple lines into a single block before passing it on to the next stage in the pipeline.

The following arguments are supported:

firstlinestringName from extracted data to use for the log entry.yes
max_wait_timedurationThe maximum time to wait for a multiline block."3s"no
max_linesintThe maximum number of lines a block can have.128no

A new block is identified by the RE2 regular expression passed in firstline.

Any line that does not match the expression is considered to be part of the block of the previous match. If no new logs arrive with max_wait_time, the block is sent on. The max_lines field defines the maximum number of lines a block can have. If this is exceeded, a new block is started.

Let’s see how this works in practice with an example stage and a stream of log entries from a Flask web service.

stage {
	multiline {
		firstline     = "^\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\]"
		max_wait_time = "10s"

[2023-01-18 17:41:21] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[2023-01-18 17:41:25] ERROR in app: Exception on /error [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 2447, in wsgi_app
    response = self.full_dispatch_request()
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1952, in full_dispatch_request
    rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1821, in handle_user_exception
    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/_compat.py", line 39, in reraise
    raise value
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1950, in full_dispatch_request
    rv = self.dispatch_request()
  File "/home/pallets/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1936, in dispatch_request
    return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
  File "/home/pallets/src/deployment_tools/hello.py", line 10, in error
    raise Exception("Sorry, this route always breaks")
Exception: Sorry, this route always breaks
[2023-01-18 17:42:24] "GET /error HTTP/1.1" 500 -
[2023-01-18 17:42:29] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 -

All ‘blocks’ that form log entries of separate web requests start with a timestamp in square brackets. The stage detects this with the regular expression in firstline to collapse all lines of the traceback into a single block and thus a single Loki log entry.

match block

The match inner block configures a filtering stage that can conditionally either apply a nested set of processing stages or drop an entry when a log entry matches a configurable LogQL stream selector and filter expressions.

The following arguments are supported:

selectorstringThe LogQL stream selector and filter expressions to use.yes
pipeline_namestringA custom name to use for the nested pipeline.""no
actionstringThe action to take when the selector matches the log line. Supported values are "keep" and "drop""keep"no
drop_counter_reasonstringA custom reason to report for dropped lines."match_stage"no

The match block supports a number of stage inner blocks, like the top-level block. These are used to construct the nested set of stages to run if the selector matches the labels and content of the log entries.

The following blocks are supported inside the definition of stage > match:

stagestageProcessing stage to run.no

If the specified action is "drop", the metric loki_process_dropped_lines_total is incremented with every line dropped. By default, the reason label is "match_stage", but a custom reason can be provided by using the drop_counter_reason argument.

Let’s see this in action, with the following log lines and stages

{ "time":"2023-01-18T17:08:41+00:00", "app":"foo", "component": ["parser","type"], "level" : "WARN", "message" : "app1 log line" }
{ "time":"2023-01-18T17:08:42+00:00", "app":"bar", "component": ["parser","type"], "level" : "ERROR", "message" : "foo noisy error" }

stage {
	json {
		expressions = { "appname" = "app" }

stage {
	labels {
		values = { "applbl" = "appname" }

stage {
	match {
		selector = '{applbl="foo"}'
		stage {
			json {
				expressions = { "msg" = "message" }

stage {
	match {
		selector = '{applbl="qux"}'
		stage {
			json {
				expressions = { "msg" = "msg" }

stage {
	match {
		selector = '{applbl="bar"} |~ ".*noisy error.*"'
		action   = "drop"

		drop_counter_reason = "discard_noisy_errors"

stage {
	output {
		source = "msg"

The first two stages parse the log lines as JSON, decode the app value into the shared extracted map as appname, and use its value as the applbl label.

The third stage uses the LogQL selector to only execute the nested stages on lines where the applbl="foo". So, for the first line, the nested JSON stage adds msg="app1 log line" into the extracted map.

The fourth stage uses the LogQL selector to only execute on lines where applbl="qux"; that means it won’t match any of the input, and the nested JSON stage does not run.

The fifth stage drops entries from lines where applbl is set to ‘bar’ and the line contents matches the regex .*noisy error.*. It also increments the loki_process_dropped_lines_total metric with a label drop_counter_reason="discard_noisy_errors".

The final output stage changes the contents of the log line to be the value of msg from the extracted map. In this case, the first log entry’s content is changed to app1 log line.

drop block

The drop inner block configures a filtering stage that drops log entries based on several options. If multiple options are provided, they’re treated as AND clauses and must all be true for the log entry to be dropped. To drop entries with an OR clause, specify multiple drop blocks in sequence.

The following arguments are supported:

sourcestringName from extracted data to parse. If empty or not defined, it uses the log message.""no
expressionstringA valid RE2 regular expression.""no
valuestringIf both source and value are specified, the stage drops lines where value exactly matches the source content.""no
older_thandurationIf specified, the stage drops lines whose timestamp is older than the current time minus this duration.""no
longer_thanstringIf specified, the stage drops lines whose size exceeds the configured value.""no
drop_counter_reasonstringA custom reason to report for dropped lines."drop_stage"no

The expression field needs to be a RE2 regex string. If source is empty or not provided, the regex attempts to match the log line itself. If source is provided, the regex attempts to match the corresponding value from the extracted map.

The value field can only work with values from the extracted map, and must be specified together with source. Entries are dropped when there is an exact match between the two.

Whenever an entry is dropped, the metric loki_process_dropped_lines_total is incremented. By default, the reason label is "drop_stage", but you can provide a custom label using the drop_counter_reason argument.

The following stage drops log entries that contain the word debug and are longer than 1KB.

stage {
	drop {
		expression  = ".*debug.*"
		longer_than = "1KB"

On the following example, we define multiple drop blocks so loki.process will drop entries that are either 24h or older, are longer than 8KB, or the extracted value of ‘app’ is equal to foo.

stage {
	drop {
		older_than  = "24h"
		drop_reason = "too old"

stage {
	drop {
		older_than  = "8KB"
		drop_reason = "too long"

stage {
	drop {
		source = "app"
		value  = "foo"

Exported fields

The following fields are exported and can be referenced by other components:

receiverLogsReceiverA value that other components can use to send log entries to.

Component health

loki.process is only reported as unhealthy if given an invalid configuration.

Debug information

loki.process does not expose any component-specific debug information.

Debug metrics

  • loki_process_dropped_lines_total (counter): Number of lines dropped as part of a processing stage.


This example creates a loki.process component that extracts the environment value from a JSON log line and sets it as a label named ’env’.

loki.process "local" {
  forward_to = [loki.write.onprem.receiver]

  stage {
    json {
      expressions = { "extracted_env" = "environment" }

  stage {
    labels = { "env" = "extracted_env" }