

Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Open source


The mysqld_exporter_config block configures the mysqld_exporter integration, which is an embedded version of mysqld_exporter and allows for collection metrics from MySQL servers.

Note that currently, an Agent can only collect metrics from a single MySQL server. If you want to collect metrics from multiple servers, run multiple Agents and add labels using relabel_configs to differentiate between the MySQL servers:

  enabled: true
  data_source_name: root@(server-a:3306)/
  - source_labels: [__address__]
    target_label: instance
    replacement: server-a

We strongly recommend that you configure a separate user for the Agent, and give it only the strictly mandatory security privileges necessary for monitoring your node, as per the official documentation.

Full reference of options:

  # Enables the mysqld_exporter integration, allowing the Agent to collect
  # metrics from a MySQL server.
  [enabled: <boolean> | default = false]

  # Sets an explicit value for the instance label when the integration is
  # self-scraped. Overrides inferred values.
  # The default value for this integration is a truncated version of the
  # connection DSN, containing only the server and db name. (Credentials
  # are not included.)
  [instance: <string>]

  # Automatically collect metrics from this integration. If disabled,
  # the mysqld_exporter integration will be run but not scraped and thus not
  # remote-written. Metrics for the integration will be exposed at
  # /integrations/mysqld_exporter/metrics and can be scraped by an external
  # process.
  [scrape_integration: <boolean> | default = <integrations_config.scrape_integrations>]

  # How often should the metrics be collected? Defaults to
  [scrape_interval: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_interval>]

  # The timeout before considering the scrape a failure. Defaults to
  [scrape_timeout: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_timeout>]

  # Allows for relabeling labels on the target.
    [- <relabel_config> ... ]

  # Relabel metrics coming from the integration, allowing to drop series
  # from the integration that you don't care about.
    [ - <relabel_config> ... ]

  # How frequent to truncate the WAL for this integration.
  [wal_truncate_frequency: <duration> | default = "60m"]

  # Data Source Name specifies the MySQL server to connect to. This is REQUIRED
  # but may also be specified by the MYSQLD_EXPORTER_DATA_SOURCE_NAME
  # environment variable. If neither are set, the integration will fail to
  # start.
  # The format of this is specified here:
  # A working example value for a server with no required password
  # authentication is: "root@(localhost:3306)/"
  data_source_name: <string>

  # A list of collector names to enable on top of the default set.
    [ - <string> ]
  # A list of collector names to disable from the default set.
    [ - <string> ]
  # A list of collectors to run. Fully overrides the default set.
    [ - <string> ]

  # Set a lock_wait_timeout on the connection to avoid long metadata locking.
  [lock_wait_timeout: <int> | default = 2]
  # Add a low_slow_filter to avoid slow query logging of scrapes. NOT supported
  # by Oracle MySQL.
  [log_slow_filter: <bool> | default = false]

  ## Collector-specific options

  # Minimum time a thread must be in each state to be counted.
  [info_schema_processlist_min_time: <int> | default = 0]
  # Enable collecting the number of processes by user.
  [info_schema_processlist_processes_by_user: <bool> | default = true]
  # Enable collecting the number of processes by host.
  [info_schema_processlist_processes_by_host: <bool> | default = true]
  # The list of databases to collect table stats for. * for all
  [info_schema_tables_databases: <string> | default = "*"]
  # Limit the number of events statements digests by response time.
  [perf_schema_eventsstatements_limit: <int> | default = 250]
  # Limit how old the 'last_seen' events statements can be, in seconds.
  [perf_schema_eventsstatements_time_limit: <int> | default = 86400]
  # Maximum length of the normalized statement text.
  [perf_schema_eventsstatements_digtext_text_limit: <int> | default = 120]
  # Regex file_name filter for performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance
  [perf_schema_file_instances_filter: <string> | default = ".*"]
  # Remove path prefix in performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance
  [perf_schema_file_instances_remove_prefix: <string> | default = "/var/lib/mysql"]
  # Remove instrument prefix in performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name
  [perf_schema_memory_events_remove_prefix: <string> | default = "memory/"]
  # Database from where to collect heartbeat data.
  [heartbeat_database: <string> | default = "heartbeat"]
  # Table from where to collect heartbeat data.
  [heartbeat_table: <string> | default = "heartbeat"]
  # Use UTC for timestamps of the current server (`pt-heartbeat` is called with `--utc`)
  [heartbeat_utc: <bool> | default = false]
  # Enable collecting user privileges from mysql.user
  [mysql_user_privileges: <bool> | default = false]

The full list of collectors that are supported for mysqld_exporter is:

NameDescriptionEnabled by default
auto_increment.columnsCollect auto_increment columns and max values from information_schemano
binlog_sizeCollect the current size of all registered binlog filesno
engine_innodb_statusCollect from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSno
engine_tokudb_statusCollect from SHOW ENGINE TOKUDB STATUSno
global_statusCollect from SHOW GLOBAL STATUSyes
global_variablesCollect from SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLESyes
heartbeatCollect from heartbeatno
info_schema.clientstatsIf running with userstat=1, enable to collect client statisticsno
info_schema.innodb_cmpmemCollect metrics from information_schema.innodb_cmpmemyes
info_schema.innodb_metricsCollect metrics from information_schema.innodb_metricsyes
info_schema.innodb_tablespacesCollect metrics from information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespacesno
info_schema.processlistCollect current thread state counts from the information_schema.processlistno
info_schema.query_response_timeCollect query response time distribution if query_response_time_stats is ONyes
info_schema.replica_hostCollect metrics from information_schema.replica_host_statusno
info_schema.schemastatsIf running with userstat=1, enable to collect schema statisticsno
info_schema.tablesCollect metrics from information_schema.tablesno
info_schema.tablestatsIf running with userstat=1, enable to collect table statisticsno
info_schema.userstatsIf running with userstat=1, enable to collect user statisticsno
mysql.userCollect data from mysql.userno
perf_schema.eventsstatementsCollect metrics from performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digestno
perf_schema.eventsstatementssumCollect metrics of grand sums from performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digestno
perf_schema.eventswaitsCollect metrics from performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_nameno
perf_schema.file_eventsCollect metrics from performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_nameno
perf_schema.file_instancesCollect metrics from performance_schema.file_summary_by_instanceno
perf_schema.indexiowaitsCollect metrics from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usageno
perf_schema.memory_eventsCollect metrics from performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_nameno
perf_schema.replication_applier_status_by_workerCollect metrics from performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_workerno
perf_schema.replication_group_member_statsCollect metrics from performance_schema.replication_group_member_statsno
perf_schema.replication_group_membersCollect metrics from performance_schema.replication_group_membersno
perf_schema.tableiowaitsCollect metrics from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_tableno
perf_schema.tablelocksCollect metrics from performance_schema.table_lock_waits_summary_by_tableno
slave_hostsScrape information from ‘SHOW SLAVE HOSTS’no
slave_statusScrape information from SHOW SLAVE STATUSyes