Statseeker Interface Details
This dashboard duplicates the Statseeker Interface Details report, as seen within the Statseeker product. It is intended as both an example, and a starting point for creating dashboards in Grafana that feature data collected by Statseeker.
Note: this dashboard uses the Statseeker - Grafana Datasource Plugin, see for details.
- A Statseeker v5.2, or later, server
- A Grafana v4.3, or later, server
- A configured Statseeker - Grafana Datasource Plugin, see for details
Selective display of any/all of the following interface metrics:
- InBroadcastPkts
- InBroadcastPps
- InErrors
- InMulticastPkts
- InMulticastPps
- InOctets
- InOutBroadcastPkts
- InOutDiscards
- InOutErrors
- InOutMulticastPkts
- InOutOctets
- InOutSpeed
- InOutUcastPkts
- InUcastPkts
- InUcastPps
- OutBroadcastPkts
- OutBroadcastPps
- OutErrors
- OutMulticastPkts
- OutMulticastPps
- OutOctets
- OutUcastPkts
- OutUcastPps
- RxBps
- RxDiscardsPercent
- RxErrorPercent
- RxTxDiscardsPercent
- RxTxErrorPercent
- RxUtil
- TxBps
- TxDiscardsPercent
- TxErrorPercent
- TxUtil
The dashboard includes templates allowing the user to select:
- Device
- Interface
- Device/Interface Metrics
- Data formats
Data source config
Collector config:
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