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How to perform a ping check with Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring

How to perform a ping check with Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring

2025-02-27 4 min

Synthetic monitoring is a critical practice to proactively track the health and performance of web applications. By simulating user interactions, this approach helps developers identify issues before they impact real users. 

One of the simplest forms of synthetic monitoring is known as a ping check, which verifies whether an endpoint is reachable. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what a ping check is, and then walk through how to perform one using Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring. You can also learn more about how to run a ping check by checking out the YouTube video below.

YouTube Video

What is a ping check?

A ping check is a basic network diagnostic tool that sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request (a small data packet) to a specified network address and waits for a response.

A diagram depicting ICMP echo requests and replies.

Ping checks are essential in synthetic monitoring to detect connectivity issues, latency, and downtime proactively. By continuously testing network responsiveness, they help ensure optimal performance and service reliability. 

In Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring — a solution that helps you emulate even the most complex transactions and user journeys to ensure the best possible end-user experience — ping checks measure the round-trip time from request to response, as well as packet loss, to determine network reachability and latency. 

These checks serve several key functions:

  • Verifying network connectivity: Confirms whether a host is online and accessible.
  • Detecting network outages: Identifies when a host becomes unreachable.
  • Measuring network latency: Provides insights into the time taken for data to travel to and from a host.

Run a ping check 

Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring allows you to set up and run ping checks regularly on your critical endpoints. 

Let’s take a look at the steps to configure your first ping check in Synthetic Monitoring:

1. Create a Grafana Cloud account

If you don’t already have one, sign up for a free Grafana Cloud account

2. Navigate to Synthetic Monitoring

In the Grafana Cloud UI, go to Testing & synthetics to access tools for performance testing and optimization, including Grafana Cloud k6 and Synthetic Monitoring features.

A screenshot showing how to navigate to Testing and synthetics in Grafana Cloud.

3. Select Synthetic Monitoring and create a check

Next, click Synthetic Monitoring and choose Create check. Select API Endpoint as the check type.

A screenshot showing check type options.

4. Complete the check configuration form

Now, we need to configure our ping check by entering the following info:

  • Job name: Assign a name to your check. A best practice is to choose a name with service:request type, for example MyApp:Ping.
  • Request type: Specify the request type, which is Ping
  • Request target: Enter the URL or IP address of the endpoint you want to test.
A screenshot of the check configuration form.

5. Define uptime and monitoring parameters

Next, we specify valid status codes, HTTP versions, and SSL options.

Frequency, timeout settings, and other relevant options are automatically configured, but you can make changes to customize to your desired monthly executions.

A screenshot of frequency parameters.

6. Set up alerting

Select your alert sensitivity. Synthetic Monitoring integrates with Grafana Alerting to trigger custom alerts based on test results. 

A screenshot showing the Alert sensitivity selection page.

To learn more about Synthetic Monitoring alerts, please check out our technical docs

7. Choose probes for execution

In Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring, probes are the monitoring agents that simulate user interactions with your web applications or services. These agents periodically send requests to predefined URLs and record the responses to measure performance.

In this step, we want to select one or multiple probe locations to perform the ping check. Optionally, set up private probes for internal network monitoring.

A screenshot showing various probe locations to choose from.

To learn more about Synthetic Monitoring probes, please refer to our documentation

8. Save and run the check

Click Save, and Grafana Cloud will start executing ping checks on your specified endpoint.

Visualize ping check results

Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring displays your ping check results in an out-of-the-box dashboard, displaying key metrics such as:

  • Uptime: The percentage of successful checks.
  • Reachability: Whether the endpoint is consistently accessible.
  • Average latency: The time taken for packets to travel back and forth.
  • Check frequency: The time interval at which ping checks are performed.
A screenshot of a dashboard displaying ping check results.

These insights help you quickly detect network issues and take corrective action, such as ensuring your network settings are optimized for performance.

Wrapping up 

Ping checks are an essential component of synthetic monitoring, providing valuable visibility into network performance and availability. By leveraging Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring, you can effortlessly implement and manage ping checks, ensuring the reliability of your most critical services.

To learn more about Synthetic Monitoring in Grafana Cloud, please refer to our technical docs. You can also explore this dashboard on Grafana Play, which features example checks.

Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with synthetic monitoring. We have a generous forever-free tier that includes 100k test executions per month and more.  Sign up for free now!

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