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Grafana Loki 101: How to ingest logs with Alloy or the OpenTelemetry Collector

Grafana Loki 101: How to ingest logs with Alloy or the OpenTelemetry Collector

2025-02-24 11 min

Logs play a critical role in observability, but they do come with their own challenges. Grafana Loki, our horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system, addresses these challenges head on, giving you an open source tool that’s both cost effective and easy to operate.

In this blog, we’ll provide a bit more background on how Loki works, then we’ll walk you through two demos that will show you how to set up Loki to start ingesting your logs with Grafana Alloy or the OpenTelemetry Collector. We’ll also point you to additional resources to help you get the most from your logs quickly, so let’s dive in.

What is Loki?

Before we discuss how you can use Loki to ingest logs, let’s first take a step back and look at the challenge Loki is trying to address. And since Loki doesn’t follow some of the same patterns as traditional logging systems, it’s important to get a sense for how it works, too.  

Logs can be expensive to store—especially without effective compression techniques—and they’re often housed in different files, systems, or even networks. They’re also difficult to manually search at scale, as queries increasingly eat up time and compute power as your log volume grows. Plus, there’s a lack of standardization due to optional components and varying format types. 

We designed Loki to optimize for storage cost and to help you sift through logs quickly and easily, regardless of the format. So while most databases use indexes based on specific structures to help categorize data, Loki lets you send your logs in any format. You define a few labels (container name, environment, host name) and Loki then indexes those labels, rather than the whole log line, which makes it much more flexible.

When you run a query on that data, you don’t have to worry about relying on a very large, heavily structured index. Instead, Loki only searches and retrieves the chunks that match the labels provided in the query. This is usually done in parallel processes, which makes it faster and more cost-effective.  

To understand how this all works, it helps to understand that Loki is fundamentally a microservices-based architecture. Its components include distributors that handle incoming requests and ingesters that persist the data and send it to long-term storage. There’s also the query frontend, scheduler, and queriers that work together to organize and execute user queries, as well as other services such as the compactor and rulers. Data is then stored in two main file types: indexes (labels) and chunks (streams of compressed log entries). 

Note: If you want to take a closer look at the various components, this video from the “Zero to Hero: Loki” series breaks down each one using a physical log processing facility as a helpful, real-world analogy.

We recommend you deploy Loki in one of two modes, depending on how you configure it:

  • Monolithic. This is the best place to start for beginners. It runs everything as a single binary or Docker image. Monolithic mode can even be scaled to multiple replicas to act as a middle-ground option.
  • Microservices. Designed for Kubernetes deployment, you can run components as entirely separate services. This is the most scalable, flexible, and reliable option, but it’s also the most complex.

To learn more about Loki and the topics we just covered, check out the “How to Get Started with Loki” video below featuring Nicole van der Hoeven and Jay Clifford, both senior developer advocates at Grafana Labs. The video also includes a demo for getting started with monolithic mode and visualizing the data in Grafana.

YouTube Video

How to ingest logs with Loki using Grafana Alloy

Now that you have a better sense for how Loki works, let’s look at how you can get your telemetry into Loki. For starters, there are three main ways to collect and send logs to Loki:

  • Primary. This method relies on Grafana Alloy, our distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector, with built-in Prometheus optimizations that also supports signals across metrics, logs, traces, and profiles.
  • Specialized. This includes the standard OpenTelemetry Collector and Promtail. We’ll dig into this more in the next section.
  • Third party. This includes Loki-compatible clients, and each one has its own configuration specifications. (We won’t cover it in this post, but we have specific demos for Fluentd and Fluent Bit, too). 

If you’re new to Loki, we recommend starting with the primary method. As we alluded to earlier, Grafana Alloy is a general-purpose telemetry collector that provides a full suite of log components for collecting, transforming, and sending log signals. This can be done within two different modes:

  • Loki pipeline. A fully Loki-native pipeline that allows Alloy components to send and receive logs based on Loki’s default payload structure. This is the best pipeline to start with if you’re collecting infrastructure logs from servers, Kubernetes clusters, or Syslog-based devices. 
  • OpenTelemetry pipeline. A fully native OpenTelemetry pipeline built using the components from the OpenTelemetry Collector. This provides a vendor-agnostic method for collecting logs and sending them to databases that are compliant with the OpenTelemetry standard.

The choice will depend on your needs, but the best part about Alloy is that you can run both pipeline styles in parallel, so there’s no need to change collectors if your priorities change later.

To try this out yourself, we’ve created an interactive demo you can follow along with via this GitHub repository or in our Killercoda sandbox. We’ll also use our demo Carnivorous Greenhouse application to collect the logs from.

First, spin up an environment using this command, which will build the Docker image and start the containers:

docker compose up -d

Then run this command to check the status of those containers:

docker ps

Next, we need to build our Alloy config. Use local.file_match to find the directory containing our logs.

local.file_match "applogs" {
    path_targets = [{"__path__" = "/tmp/app-logs/app.log"}]
    sync_period = "5s"

Add this file to our alloy-config.alloy file:

echo 'local.file_match "applogs" {
    path_targets = [{"__path__" = "/tmp/app-logs/app.log"}]
    sync_period = "5s"
}' >> ./alloy-config.alloy

And reload Alloy with this configuration:

curl -X POST http://localhost:12345/-/reload

Once this is complete, you should see the new component in the Alloy UI. 

Next, connect to Loki and write the logs to it using the loki_push component:

loki.write "local_loki" {
    endpoint {
        url = "http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push"

And add this to our config:

echo 'loki.write "local_loki" {
    endpoint {
        url = "http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push"
}' >> ./alloy-config.alloy

Once you’ve reloaded Alloy, you’ll see the components in the Alloy UI, at which point you can start scraping logs. We’ll do this using the loki.source.file component:

loki.source.file "local_files" {
    targets    = local.file_match.applogs.targets
    forward_to = [loki.write.local_loki.receiver]

And we can then add this to our config:

echo 'loki.source.file "local_files" {
    targets    = local.file_match.applogs.targets
    forward_to = [loki.write.local_loki.receiver]
}' >> ./alloy-config.alloy

Reload Alloy again to see the component in the UI. Once that’s done, you can go to the Carnivorous Greenhouse UI to make sure you’re generating logs, and then go to Grafana to query the logs.

Your next step will be to start adding labels. Labels are key-value pairs you can think of as the metadata to describe a log stream, and they allow you to filter and query the logs more effectively. We won’t go deep into labeling best practices here, but as a general rule try to use labels to distinguish log streams from each other and to group data you regularly query. Your labels should also be finite to prevent your index from growing out of control.

For more context about the steps outlined above, as well as details about how to dynamically add labels, check out Jay’s “Introduction to Ingesting logs with Loki” video below. He even provides information on how to migrate to Alloy if you haven’t already.

YouTube Video

How to ingest OpenTelemetry logs with Loki 

As we discussed earlier, one of the major challenges with logs is the variety of components that can make up a log entry, and the many ways logs can be formatted. OpenTelemetry is quickly emerging as an industry standard that can provide a consistent set of attributes and formatting, helping to resolve some of these issues.  

Still, some of the OpenTelemetry attributes are optional. In addition, the logs components are compressed when they’re shipped across the network, and they typically appear in a JSON format when they’re unpacked. 

Loki ships with a fully OpenTelemetry-compliant endpoint. This means you can send logs within the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) format directly to Loki without needing to transform the payload into another format first. This allows you to build far simpler OpenTelemetry-based pipelines without having to worry about Loki’s payload structure. It also means you can use the official OpenTelemetry Collector rather than the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib, which contains third-party converters. 

To see first-hand how you can ingest OpenTelemetry logs with Loki, let’s go back to our Carnivorous Greenhouse application. Follow along using either the GitHub repository we’ve set up or the Killercoda sandbox.

For this interactive demo, we’ll use the following command to create our environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate

Next, we need to install Python packages the Carnivorous Greenhouse app relies on:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You’ll need to install the required OpenTelemetry packages to instrument our applications, including opentelemetry-distro, which contains the OpenTelemetry API and SDK, as well as opentelemetry-exporter-otlp, which allows us to export the logs in the OTLP format:

pip install opentelemetry-distro opentelemetry-exporter-otlp

Now we can orchestrate our application with OpenTelmetry. First, we need to include the dependencies in our application. We’ll be using the VS Code editor for this, so copy the following code snippet to the file in the editor under the section called #### otel dependencies ####

# Import the function to set the global logger provider from the OpenTelemetry logs module.
from opentelemetry._logs import set_logger_provider

# Import the function to set the global logger provider from the OpenTelemetry logs module.
from opentelemetry._logs import set_logger_provider

# Import the OTLPLogExporter class from the OpenTelemetry gRPC log exporter module.
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc._log_exporter import (

# Import the LoggerProvider and LoggingHandler classes from the OpenTelemetry SDK logs module.
from opentelemetry.sdk._logs import LoggerProvider, LoggingHandler

# Import the BatchLogRecordProcessor class from the OpenTelemetry SDK logs export module.
from opentelemetry.sdk._logs.export import BatchLogRecordProcessor

# Import the Resource class from the OpenTelemetry SDK resources module.
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource

The next step is to initialize the OpenTelemetry logger and export logs to the OpenTelemetry Collector. Copy the following code snippet into the same file in our VS Code editor under the ## Otel logger initialization ## section:

# Create an instance of LoggerProvider with a Resource object that includes
# service name and instance ID, identifying the source of the logs.
logger_provider = LoggerProvider(
        	"": "greenhouse-app",
        	"": "instance-1",

# Set the created LoggerProvider as the global logger provider.

# Create an instance of OTLPLogExporter with insecure connection.
exporter = OTLPLogExporter(insecure=True)

# Add a BatchLogRecordProcessor to the logger provider with the exporter.

# Create a LoggingHandler with the specified logger provider and log level set to NOTSET.
handler = LoggingHandler(level=logging.NOTSET, logger_provider=logger_provider)

# Attach OTLP handler to the root logger.

Now we’re ready to run our stack using the OpenTelemetry Collector, Loki, and Grafana. To start, run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

Then, run this command to run our Carnivorous Greenhouse application:


With the app running, you can access it and conduct actions that generate logs, including creating an account, logging in, and collecting metrics from hungry plants.Those logs will then be sent to Loki, at which point you can query and visualize your data.

Check out the “Introduction to Ingesting OpenTelemetry Logs with Loki” video below to take a closer look at the steps we’ve outlined. In it, Jay also provides more details on the OpenTelemetry Collector and the role of structured metadata within Loki. He also walks you through how to query your data in Grafana.

YouTube Video

Get started with Loki today

We hope this gives you the basics you need to start ingesting logs into Loki. To learn more, check out the full “Zero to Hero: Loki” series from Jay and Nicole, or read our own Ed Welch’s “concise guide” series of Loki blogs, which includes posts about labels, query performance, and ingesting out-of-order logs

You should also read our docs, where we have all sorts of new information about sending logs to Loki, including tutorials on sending data from Kubernetes Helm charts, Kafka, and more.

And if you’re looking for more ways to get started quickly, regardless of how well you understand the ins and outs of Loki, check out Grafana Cloud Logs, our fully managed solution that’s powered by Loki, as well as Logs Drilldown, our queryless experience for getting insights from your logs. 

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