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Take the 3rd annual Observability Survey, brought to you by Grafana Labs

Take the 3rd annual Observability Survey, brought to you by Grafana Labs

2024-09-18 2 min

In the observability space, change is constant. New tools and techniques are constantly emerging, and teams continue to evolve as they adopt and mature their strategies. With so much in flux, we need your help to make sense of it all with our third annual Observability Survey.

We run this survey every year to help the community get a better understanding of the state of observability. It highlights where the community is succeeding and struggling, and it gives your team a chance to see how it stacks up against your peers.

We understand that your time is precious, so the survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. You’ll be asked questions like: How many tools and data sources are you using (Grafana and beyond)? What are your most important criteria for selecting an observability tool? What role would you like to see AI play in observability? And how are you using Prometheus and OpenTelemetry?

We also respect your privacy, so all responses will be kept anonymous — no need to hand over corporate email or the name of your first born.

Early next year, a summary of the results will be published, as well as some analysis to help provide context on what those numbers mean. Our 2024 survey provided all sorts of interesting insights, including stats on the number and types of observability tools organizations are using; the challenges and benefits that come with observability; and the role of OSS in observability.

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say, so fill out the survey today and share it with anyone else in your network who might be interested! And if you’re at an event where we have a presence in the coming months, including ObservabilityCON next week, stop by to take it in person. We might have some fun swag to share.

Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.