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Grafana Beyla 1.2 release: eBPF auto-instrumentation with full Kubernetes support

Grafana Beyla 1.2 release: eBPF auto-instrumentation with full Kubernetes support

2024-01-24 9 min

We’re excited to announce that with the release of Grafana Beyla 1.2, Kubernetes support is now fully integrated. 

With this update, the Grafana Beyla configuration now “understands” Kubernetes semantics to provide a more fine-grained selection of services to instrument. Beyla users can decorate metrics and traces with the metadata of Kubernetes entities, such as pods and deployments, that run the automatically instrumented services. Before the Beyla 1.2 release, users who wanted to enrich their metrics and traces with Kubernetes metadata had to set up an intermediate OpenTelemetry collector. Overall, this update allows for a richer experience when visualizing and querying your metrics and traces.

At the same time, DaemonSet has become the preferred deployment mode for Beyla. Thanks to the versatility of the new service selectors, a user can precisely define which services need to be instrumented and which don’t. A single instance of Beyla will be able to instrument the selected group of services within a single Kubernetes node.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these new features and how to use them to select which services to auto-instrument based on their Kubernetes attributes. We’ll also walk through how your traces become decorated with the metadata of Kubernetes entities. 

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Note: To learn more about Grafana Beyla 1.2, you can check out our Beyla technical documentation and release notes. 

Beyla service selectors

A service selector is a set of properties that tells Beyla which processes to instrument.

When Beyla is deployed as a regular operating system process that instruments other processes, the unique service selectors are the network port on which the instrumented process is listening on (which can be specified with the BEYLA_OPEN_PORT environment variable), or a regular expression to match against the executable file name of the process to instrument (BEYLA_EXECUTABLE_NAMEenvironment variable).

To select multiple groups of processes, the Beyla YAML configuration file format provides a section, which accepts multiple selector groups:

    # Instrument any process using the ports from 8080 to 8089
    - open_ports: 8080-8089
    # Instrument any process whose executable contains "http"
    - exe_path: "http"
    # Instrument any process with an executable containing "nginx"
    # and using the port 443 (both conditions must be fulfilled)
    - open_ports: 443
      exe_path: "nginx"

The above criteria are insufficient for Kubernetes pods, where often the service ports are ephemeral and internal to the pods. Also, Kubernetes pods involve a level of abstraction that typically hides details, such as the name of the service executables. Beyla 1.2 is fully Kubernetes-ready, and introduces Kubernetes-specific service selection criteria. All of the following new selection criteria accept a Go RE2-syntax regular expression as value:

  • k8s_namespace: only instrument applications in the namespace matching the provided regular expression.
  • k8s_deployment_name: only instrument pods that belong to a deployment with a name matching the provided regular expression.
  • k8s_replicaset_name: only instrument pods that belong to a ReplicaSet with a name matching the provided regular expression.
  • k8s_pod_name: only instrument pods with a name matching the provided regular expression.

Example scenario

1. Deploy instrumentable services

You can instrument any HTTP or HTTPS service in your Kubernetes cluster. If you prefer, you can first try instrumenting the dummy services provided in this example.

The following Kubernetes example file contains two Apache HTTP servers: one pretends to be for a company website and the other pretends to be for a documentation site (docs). Both servers will just return an “It Works!” string when the root directory is requested, and a 404 error if any other path is requested.

Copy the following contents into a file (for example,sampleapps.yml) and deploy it with the command kubectl apply -f sampleapps.yml.

kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: docs
  replicas: 2
      app: docs
        app: docs
        - name: docs-server
          image: httpd:latest
            - containerPort: 80
              protocol: TCP
              name: http
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: docs
    app: docs
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: website
  replicas: 2
      app: website
        app: website
        - name: website-server
          image: httpd:latest
            - containerPort: 80
              protocol: TCP
              name: http
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: website
    app: website
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80

To test that the services are up and running, open two terminal sessions and run one of each command below on a different session:

# Redirect website to local port 8080
kubectl port-forward services/website 8080:80
# Redirect docs site to local port 8081
kubectl port-forward services/docs 8081:80

From your computer, each request to http://localhost:8080 will be a hypothetical request to the company website and each request to http://localhost:8081 will be a hypothetical request to the documentation website. You can use a simple curl command to the URLs above to verify that your services are up and running.

2. Create a beyla namespace

Before configuring and deploying Beyla, let’s create a beyla namespace. We will use it to group all the required permissions, configurations, and deployment options:

kubectl create namespace beyla

3. Get Grafana Cloud credentials

Beyla can export metrics and traces to any OpenTelemetry endpoint, as well as expose metrics as a Prometheus endpoint. Check out our documentation for more information about how to select the different exposition protocols.

In this blog post, we’ll use the OpenTelemetry endpoint in Grafana Cloud to get started as quickly as possible. (If you don’t already have Grafana Cloud, you can sign up for a free account today.) 

From the Grafana Cloud portal, look for the OpenTelemetry box and click Configure.

The OpenTelemetry box in Grafana Cloud.

Under Password/API Token, click Generate now and follow the instructions to create a default API token.

The Environment Variables will be populated with a set of standard OpenTelemetry environment variables, which will provide the connection endpoint and credentials information for Beyla.

Grafana Cloud API token and Environment Variables.

From the Environment Variables section, copy the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT and OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS values and create a new secret from them. For example, create the following secret file and apply it:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: beyla
  name: grafana-credentials
type: Opaque
  otlp-endpoint: ""
  otlp-headers: "Authorization=Basic of the secret header value..."

4. Configure and run Beyla

Next, you need to provide Beyla with permissions to watch and inspect the metadata of the diverse Kubernetes resources, which Beyla’s discovery mechanism requires. To do this, create and apply the following YAML file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  namespace: beyla
  name: beyla
kind: ClusterRole
  name: beyla
  - apiGroups: ["apps"]
    resources: ["replicasets"]
    verbs: ["list", "watch"]
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["pods"]
    verbs: ["list", "watch"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: beyla
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: beyla
    namespace: beyla
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: beyla

And now, deploy Beyla by creating the following Kubernetes entities:

  • A ConfigMap stored in the beyla-config.yml Beyla configuration file, which defines the service discovery criteria. To ensure Beyla is able to discriminate by service instance, even if the instances run the same image and executable, Beyla is configured to select ONLY the docs Apache web server.

  • A Beyla DaemonSet, which provides the Beyla pod and its configuration:

    • Loads the beyla-config.yml file from the ConfigMap, as specified in BEYLA_CONFIG_PATH.
    • References the grafana-secrets values for the endpoint and credentials.
    • Uses the beyla ServiceAccount to get all the permissions.

Copy and deploy the following YAML file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: beyla
  name: beyla-config
  beyla-config.yml: |
    # this is required to enable kubernetes discovery and metadata
        enable: true
    # this will provide automatic routes report while minimizing cardinality
      unmatched: heuristic
    # let's instrument only the docs server
        - k8s_deployment_name: "^docs$"
        # uncomment the following line to also instrument the website server
        # - k8s_deployment_name: "^website$"
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  namespace: beyla
  name: beyla
      instrumentation: beyla
        instrumentation: beyla
      serviceAccountName: beyla
      hostPID: true # mandatory!
        - name: beyla-config
            name: beyla-config
        - name: beyla
          image: grafana/beyla:1.2
            privileged: true # mandatory!
            - mountPath: /config
              name: beyla-config
            - name: BEYLA_CONFIG_PATH
              value: /config/beyla-config.yml
                  name: grafana-credentials
                  key: otlp-endpoint
            - name: OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS
                  name: grafana-credentials
                  key: otlp-headers

A couple important things to note:

  • To run in DaemonSet mode, Beyla requires access to all of the processes in the node. This is why the Beyla pod needs to be run with hostPID: true.
  • The Beyla container needs to run with privileged: true so it can perform privileged actions, such as loading eBPF programs and creating eBPF maps.

5. Test your instrumented services and see the results in Grafana

With the kubectl port-forward commands from the first step still running, test both web server instances. For example:

curl http://localhost:8080
curl http://localhost:8080/foo
curl http://localhost:8081
curl http://localhost:8081/foo

Some requests will return a 404 error, but that’s okay because those requests are also instrumented.

Now, go to the instance in Grafana Cloud, and from the Explore section in the left panel, select the data source for the traces (usually named grafanacloud-<your user name>-traces).

Select the data source for the traces in the Explore section.

To search for all the traces, select the Search box in the Query bar, leave the form empty, and click Run query:

Select Run query to search for all traces.

This will show the traces for the docs instance (port 8081). You might see traces from your own services, but shouldn’t see traces from the website service, as it has not been instrumented by Beyla.

Traces for the docs instance.

If you expand the trace details, you will also see that the resource attributes in the traces are decorated with the metadata of the Kubernetes pod running the instrumented service. The Kubernetes trace attributes are all prefixed with k8s, as seen in the example below:

Kubernetes trace attributes.

Grafana Beyla 1.2: closing thoughts

While Beyla 1.0 was functional with Kubernetes, early adopters asked for better integration mechanisms to smoothen operations — and that’s what we aimed to deliver with Beyla 1.2. 

With integrated Kubernetes attribute selectors, Beyla users can now precisely select which pods to instrument without having to specify low-level details, such as process names or port ranges.

In addition, the decoration of metrics and traces with Kubernetes metadata allows for better identification of the instrumented applications, as you can now group them by pod and deployment. Overall, Grafana Beyla 1.2 represents a big step forward in the simplification of its deployment.

To learn more about Kubernetes support in Grafana Beyla 1.2, you can check out our documentation on Beyla configuration options and running Beyla as Kubernetes DaemonSet.

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