GrafanaCON 2024: In April, in Amsterdam, and in person!
Update: GrafanaCON 2024 is officially sold out, but you can still sign up for the waitlist and join us virtually for our keynote recap webinar.
GrafanaCON 2024 is coming to Amsterdam!
For the first time in five years, GrafanaCON, our annual conference focused on all things Grafana and its extended open source ecosystem, will be an in-person event. On April 9-10, you can join the open source community in Amsterdam for two full days of technical talks, live demos, hands-on sessions, and – yes! – the hallway track.

In addition to learning about the latest features and functionality of Grafana and other open source projects, you will hear from community members about the different ways they are using Grafana for visualization and monitoring, from home labs and research projects to industrial IoT and space and beyond.
Meet and join the Grafana community
While the information and insight at GrafanaCON are invaluable, it’s the interaction with the Grafana community that makes the event truly special.
You’ll connect with curious fellow engineers, hobbyists, and people just learning about data visualization, and the open source community. Attendees include many contributors and maintainers of Grafana, Loki, Mimir, Tempo, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, and more. In both sessions and the hallway track, you will get the chance to know them and learn how to navigate an open source project and make contributions.
Present at GrafanaCON 2024: CFP is open!
Got a Grafana home lab project you’re really proud of? What about that Grafana dashboard that is changing the way your team and business operate? Or doing some really amazing research using Grafana?
Here’s your chance to share your Grafana knowledge at GrafanaCON! We’re looking for speakers to present real-world experiences, tips and tricks, dashboard demos, and cool use cases.
The GrafanaCON 2024 CFP is open for conference talk submissions until Tuesday, Feb. 20.

First-time speakers and topics for all users (beginner, intermediate, advanced) are welcome.
We love sharing first-hand accounts of a variety of use cases, at any scale. GrafanaCON has featured a company bringing renewable energy to rural Africa, a DevOps engineer tracking his triathlon training performance, and engineers from Verizon, NVIDIA, Cisco, and more.
Golden Grot Awards 2024: Submit your dashboard!
Since the birth of the Grafana dashboard, we’ve seen community members build stunning visualizations to track everything from personal hobbies (avocado plant, anyone?) to mission-critical business metrics. And we want to recognize those fantastic dashboards and the community members who built them with the second annual Golden Grot Awards.

Community members can submit a maximum of one dashboard per category by Feb. 9, and a panel of internal judges will narrow the submissions down to a short list. Then, from Feb. 26 to March 1, the entire Grafana community will have a chance to vote for their favorites. The combined community and internal voting will then be tabulated to select the winners.
The top three dashboards in each category will be showcased during GrafanaCON 2024, with the grand prize winners receiving a trip to Amsterdam to be celebrated on stage during the big event. Check out our 2023 winners and learn more about the Golden Grots.
Springtime in Amsterdam will bring tulips, canals, bicycles … and the latest news from the Grafana open source ecosystem. We can’t wait to paint the town (Grafana) orange this April with GrafanaCON 2024.