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Grafana Agent v0.37: Feature parity between Static and Flow mode, easy migration configs, and more

Grafana Agent v0.37: Feature parity between Static and Flow mode, easy migration configs, and more

10 Oct, 2023 6 min

Grafana Agent v0.37 is here!

This new release brings a lot of exciting new features and marks the pinnacle of a year-long effort to achieve feature parity between Grafana Agent Flow mode and Grafana Agent Static mode. We also extended our config converter to ease the migration from Static to Flow mode and we added the possibility to split your Flow configuration into multiple files.

Please make note of some breaking changes in this release.

What is Grafana Agent Flow?

Grafana Agent Flow is a component-based revision of Grafana Agent with a focus on ease-of-use, debuggability, and ability to adapt to the needs of power users. It contains a custom configuration language called River to dynamically configure and connect components. The data then flows through the components forming pipelines. Flow will soon be the future of Grafana Agent, replacing Static as the default mode.

For more information, have a look at our Introducing Grafana Agent Flow blog post. We’ve also prepared a number of Grafana Agent Flow tutorials as well as extensive Grafana Agent Flow documentation. There is also a config language reference for River to help you get started.

Grafana Agent Static mode and Grafana Agent Flow mode: feature parity

In recent releases, we added a lot of components to Flow mode, aiming for feature parity with Static mode. We are happy to announce that with this release, you can now use Flow components for all Static mode use cases. This change comes with plenty of new components:

Migrate from Static to Flow mode with one command

In the previous releases, we launched a config converter to assist users in transitioning from Prometheus and Promtail to Flow. With this release, we’ve enhanced the converter, now allowing you to easily transform your Static config into a Flow config.

We wrote user guides to help you through the migration process to Grafana Agent Flow:

Let’s take a look at an example where we start with a static.yaml config and generate an equivalent flow.river config:

grafana-agent convert --source-format=static --output=flow.river static.yaml

Given this existing static configuration:

    scrape_interval: 15s
      - url:
          username: USERNAME
          password: PASSWORD
    - name: test
      host_filter: false
        - job_name: local-agent
            - targets: ['']
                cluster: 'localhost'

  positions_directory: /var/lib/agent/data-agent
    - name: varlogs
        - job_name: varlogs
            - targets:
              - localhost
                job: varlogs
                host: mylocalhost
                __path__: /var/log/*.log

    enabled: true
    mongodb_uri: mongodb://mongodb-a:27017
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      target_label: mongodb_cluster
      replacement: 'prod-cluster'

The grafana-agent convert command would result in this Flow mode config:

prometheus.scrape "metrics_test_local_agent" {
	targets = [{
		__address__ = "",
		cluster     = "localhost",
	forward_to      = [prometheus.remote_write.metrics_test.receiver]
	job_name        = "local-agent"
	scrape_interval = "15s"

prometheus.remote_write "metrics_test" {
	endpoint {
		name = "test-3a2a1b"
		url  = ""

		basic_auth {
			username = "USERNAME"
			password = "PASSWORD"

		queue_config { }

		metadata_config { }

local.file_match "logs_varlogs_varlogs" {
	path_targets = [{
		__address__ = "localhost",
		__path__    = "/var/log/*.log",
		host        = "mylocalhost",
		job         = "varlogs",

loki.source.file "logs_varlogs_varlogs" {
	targets    = local.file_match.logs_varlogs_varlogs.targets
	forward_to = []

prometheus.exporter.mongodb "integrations_mongodb_exporter" {
	mongodb_uri    = "mongodb://mongodb-a:27017"
	direct_connect = true

discovery.relabel "integrations_mongodb_exporter" {
	targets = prometheus.exporter.mongodb.integrations_mongodb_exporter.targets

	rule {
		source_labels = ["__address__"]
		target_label  = "mongodb_cluster"
		replacement   = "prod-cluster"

prometheus.scrape "integrations_mongodb_exporter" {
	targets         = discovery.relabel.integrations_mongodb_exporter.output
	forward_to      = [prometheus.remote_write.integrations.receiver]
	job_name        = "integrations/mongodb_exporter"
	scrape_interval = "15s"

prometheus.remote_write "integrations" {
	endpoint {
		name = "test-3a2a1b"
		url  = ""

		basic_auth {
			username = "USERNAME"
			password = "PASSWORD"

		queue_config { }

		metadata_config { }

If you’re not ready to switch over to Flow config, you can also run the Static config without having to save it as a Flow config. This allows you to try Flow mode without having to modify your existing Static configuration infrastructure.

Configuration conversion is done on a best effort basis. The Agent will issue warnings or errors where the conversion cannot be performed. Once the configuration is converted, we recommend that you review the Flow mode configuration file and verify that it is correct before you start using it in a production environment.

Some options are not yet available for conversion to Flow mode: Integrations next, Traces, and Agent Management.

We’re eager to hear about your experience with our converter. Feel free to share your feedback on our Grafana Labs Community Slack.

Run Grafana Agent in Flow mode with multiple config files

Maintaining lengthy config files can be challenging. Scrolling through them is tedious and handling Git conflicts is painful. In Grafana Agent v0.33, we introduced modules as a way to create reusable pipelines.

To provide an additional degree of separation, in this release, we added the capability to split your Flow config into several files. Now, you can use the run command with a directory path as its argument. The Agent will combine all *.river files from the specified directory into a single unit (subdirectories are not recursively searched for further merging).

Using a directory path to run an agent is just as straightforward as using a single river file path:

grafana-agent run path/to/directory

Many thanks to community member Hainenber for contributing this new feature!

Learn more about Grafana Agent

To learn more about other features in the latest release, please refer to our Grafana Agent documentation or check out our Grafana Agent upgrade guide.

As always, we’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop by our Grafana Labs Community Slack or check out the Grafana Agent repo directly. We look forward to your comments and feedback!

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