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Save the date: GrafanaCON 2023 is coming in June

Save the date: GrafanaCON 2023 is coming in June

2023-02-06 2 min

Grafana 10 is coming, and there’s no better way to celebrate than at our largest community event of the year. Join us June 12 to 14 at GrafanaCON 2023 to celebrate a decade of dashboards and much more during our three-day virtual event. 

Graphic showing Grafana logo and save the date information for GrafanaCON 2023.

The conference will offer virtual workshops and sessions led by Grafana experts and members of our growing global community. You’ll learn all about our latest Grafana release. We’ll also be covering Grafana Loki, Grafana Mimir, Prometheus, Grafana Tempo, and more of Grafana Labs’ open source projects, as well as major news happening in the Grafana-verse. Plus we’ll have special opportunities for you to connect with the 20,000+ community members who join us from around the world.

Registration for GrafanaCON 2023 is free, and you can sign up online now. You’ll be among the first to hear when the official GrafanaCON 2023 agenda is live, learn when registration is open for our workshops, and hear all the latest updates. 

Want to speak at GrafanaCON 2023?

No Grafana Labs event would be complete without the stories from our community. So if you’re doing something special with the Grafana LGTM stack that you’d like to share, the call for presentations (CFP) for GrafanaCON 2023 is now open. We’re looking for 30-minute talks highlighting projects from your home lab, in academia/research, or based in business/professional pursuits. 

Grafana logo illustration announcing CFP is open for GrafanaCON 2023.

The CFP is open through Friday, March 10. We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive lineup of speakers, and we encourage submissions from first-time speakers. If you’re interested in seeing past presentations, you can view the GrafanaCON 2022 sessions on demand

We can’t wait to get the Grafana community together in June!

Looking for more ways to connect with Grafana Labs? Check out our events page to see upcoming in-person and virtual opportunities.

Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.