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Join us for IoT Day at GrafanaCONline: Real-time streaming demo, industrial use cases, DIY projects, and more

Join us for IoT Day at GrafanaCONline: Real-time streaming demo, industrial use cases, DIY projects, and more

2021-05-14 2 min

Mark your calendars! Tuesday, June 15, is IoT Day at GrafanaCONline. We are excited to devote five sessions that day to a topic near and dear to my heart.

Atif Ali and I will be kicking off the day with a demo of the changes that the Grafana team has been making to support industrial/IoT use cases, including real-time streaming, new real-time visualizations, and operational dashboards that send control commands back to a system. Plus, we’ll give you a sneak preview of some other features that will be coming in Grafana 8.1+.

Next, Ed Welch and Ivana Huckova will present what’s sure to be a fun session on DIY projects that anyone can do to get started in the world of IoT with Grafana. Tune in to see how to find your dog or keep your candles from burning down your house!

Switching gears, the Siemens Mobility team will talk about how they’re building innovative observability portals using Grafana and near-real-time train sensor data to provide support and visibility to their rail passengers.

In the next session, Grant Pinkos from American Metal Processing will show how a 75-year-old manufacturing company with a very mature process became new again “and even a little exciting,” as he says, thanks to bringing Grafana onto the plant floor.

Finally, we’ll close out IoT day with a presentation by Mat Schaffer of the non-profit environmental organization Safecast, which was formed in response to the dearth of trustworthy radiation data after the tragic meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011. Today, Safecast uses Grafana dashboards to provide real-time data from a custom fleet of radiation and air quality sensors around the globe. 

We hope you’ll join us for this terrific slate of sessions on Grafana and IoT. You can register for GrafanaCONline for free now, and check out the full agenda here.

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