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Join us at Kubernetes Community Days Africa on April 29

Join us at Kubernetes Community Days Africa on April 29

2021-04-06 2 min

I’m a frontend software engineer at Grafana Labs based in Nigeria. Over the past couple of years, driven by my interest in building tech communities and helping people grow in their careers, I’ve helped organize developer meetups in Africa for organizations such as Forloop Africa and Andela learning community, as well as Google developer student events. We are beginning to see a great surge in the amount of interest in open source cloud native technologies within the region.

So when the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) decided to relaunch Kubernetes Community Days this year with events in India and Africa, I immediately volunteered to help organize Kubernetes Community Days Africa, the pioneer cloud native conference on the continent, taking place online on April 29. (Registration is free!)

As a CNCF Ambassador, I feel the need to help create a vibrant community of cloud native professionals on the continent. We hope to use this event to spur interest in open source contributions to cloud native projects, and showcase talents and industry use cases of these technologies at African companies.

The one-day conference will have two tracks, community (for students and newcomers) and enterprise (for those interested in running cloud native at scale), each with a full day of interactive sessions. Workshops, including introductions to Kubernetes and Grafana, will also take place prior to the event. 

We’re excited to welcome some leaders from the cloud native community to speak at the conference: Google Principal Engineer Kelsey Hightower, one of the most prominent voices in the Kubernetes world; CNCF General Manager Priyanka Sharma; Kubernetes Steering Committee Member Nikhita Raghunath (VMware); and CNCF Board Member Brendan O’Leary (GitLab). More sessions and presenters will be announced in the coming weeks!

Finally, I’m proud to announce that Grafana Labs is an internet sponsor for the conference. We will have more information soon on how to apply for support for internet access. Follow us on Twitter to get instant updates about this and all other news about KCD Africa. In the meantime, you can register now

I hope to see you on April 29!

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