Meet the Grafana Labs team: Suraj Nath, a software engineer working on Grafana Cloud
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Meet Suraj!
Name: Suraj Nath

Software Engineer Suraj Nath
Current location/time zone
Bangalore, IST (UTC +5:30)
What is your GitHub handle?
GitHub: electron0zero and Twitter: @electron0zero
What do you do at Grafana Labs?
I am Software Engineer on the Grafana Cloud side of things, working on making it easy for users to get up and running with Grafana Cloud.
I am a longtime user of Grafana and Metrictank. I used these tools to build monitoring infra, and loved the open and transparent nature of Grafana Labs. I decided to join and build tools that are loved by the developer community (obviously including me).
What open source projects do you contribute to?
I am curating In the past, I have contributed to WhsJS, and sonic-pi, and PHPA.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to read blogs, books, papers, and occasionally I write on my blog. I like camping, hiking, and meeting new people, and drinking tea. 🙂
What’s your favorite new gadget or tech toy?
I got a new graphics tablet, and I love it. I mostly use it to draw stick figures but imagine the possibility! 😆
What’s the last thing you binge-watched?
The Witcher, and yes they are working on the next season. 🙂
What superpowers do you wish you had (or do you have!)?
I wish I the had the power to know the unknown. Would be very handy when you are stuck in traffic! 😃