Meet the Grafana Labs team: Grafana Enterprise software engineer Agnès Toulet
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Meet Agnès!
Name: Agnès Toulet

Grafana Labs Software Engineer Agnès Toulet
Current location/time zone:
I’m in Paris, France (CET).
What do you do at Grafana Labs?
I’m a fullstack developer working on Grafana Enterprise. I joined the team for the company culture and to take a first step in the open source world. I really like to work in an international and highly skilled team.
What open source projects do you contribute to?
Only Grafana for now. I also have some hobby projects on GitHub, like a Unity game I made over a weekend for a Ludum Dare game jam.
What is your GitHub handle?
I’m AgnesToulet on GitHub.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to read books, most of them in fantasy and science fiction, and to imagine/write stories in the same genre. I also enjoy drawing and 3D modeling on Blender, and I would love to get better at it. If I’m not doing any of this, I would probably be trapped in a video game, especially RPG (I love the Tomb Raider reboot) and MMORPG (I spent a lot of hours in World of Warcraft). And I love to combine these hobbies with my development skills to work on my own video games.
I also enjoy running (especially in the forest near my apartment) and I love cooking – pastries mostly!
What do you do to get “in the zone” when you work?
I turn on some music (the bands I listen to the most are Imagine Dragons, Owl City and Maroon 5, and I also have all The Greatest Showman songs in my playlist).
What’s your favorite food?
I may be influenced by the season but I would say ice cream. I love to go to ice cream shops that have a lot of flavors and choose the best combination (because I take at least two flavors of course).
What’s the last thing you binge-watched?
It’s been a few months but it was iZombie, and I didn’t want to stop (I’m so happy a new season is out on Netflix France).
What superpowers do you wish you had (or do you have!)?
I would love to teleport myself anywhere in the world at any time. It would be a lot easier to travel and no more time lost in transport (although getting a work-from-home job helps to reduce time spent in transport).