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GrafanaCon preview: Session topics, early-bird deadline, and a coronavirus update

GrafanaCon preview: Session topics, early-bird deadline, and a coronavirus update

2020-03-09 1 min

For an update on how COVID-19 may affect our plans for GrafanaCon 2020, see our full statement on the GrafanaCon site. Our current intention is to proceed with the conference in Amsterdam May 13-14; we will make a final decision by March 31.

GrafanaCon 2020
GrafanaCon 2020

Here’s a sneak preview of sessions scheduled for May 13 and 14:

  • Everything you need to know about Grafana 7.0
  • The future of Prometheus
  • News from Graphite/Metrictank land: Metrictank 1.0 and project updates, Grafana integrations, series lineage and metadata, meta tags, and much more
  • Loki features: What’s new and what’s next
  • Tanka and dashboards as code

We’ll keep sharing more details as we get closer to May. In the meantime, if you haven’t registered already, take advantage of our 299€ early-bird pricing – good through March 27 – and save 200€ off the regular price.

If we need to cancel or postpone the conference, registrations will be fully refunded.


Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.