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Don't Miss the First Bay Area Grafana Labs User Group Meetup Feb. 27

Don't Miss the First Bay Area Grafana Labs User Group Meetup Feb. 27

2020-02-13 1 min

Mark your calendars! Grafana Labs is hosting our first-ever user group meetup in the Bay Area on Thursday, Feb. 27. Join us for an invaluable, hands-on afternoon as we chat about what really works around observability and get down into the nuts and bolts of metrics, logs, and tracing.

The afternoon starts with a two-hour round table focused on Prometheus and Grafana, featuring Grafana Labs engineers and power users. Next, I will give a talk about what’s next for observability at Grafana Labs. Then we’ll have breakout sessions focusing on topics such as logging best practices and scaling Prometheus.

We’ll close out the meetup with a happy hour where you can meet and mingle with Grafanistas and fellow end users.

We hope to see you there!


Thursday, Feb. 27, from 3pm to 7pm


Strava HQ, 208 Utah St., San Francisco, CA 94103

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Grafana Cloud
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