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Meet the Grafana Labs Team: Joe Elliott

Meet the Grafana Labs Team: Joe Elliott

2020-01-24 2 min

As Grafana Labs continues to grow, we’d like you to get to know the team members who are working on the cool stuff you’re using. Check out the latest of our Friday team profiles.

Meet Joe!

Name: Joe Elliott

Joe Elliott
Grafana Labs Senior Software Engineer Joe Elliott

Current location/time zone: Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. Eastern time.

What do you do at Grafana Labs? Backend engineer. Managing our Jaeger trace infrastructure and working with various open source tracing communities.

What open source projects do you contribute to? OpenTelemetry, Loki, and Kubernetes – kubernetes-diff-logger and debugging techniques for .NET Core on Linux/Kubernetes.

What are your GitHub and Twitter handles? GitHub is joe-elliott and Twitter is @actually_chores, although I’m not really a tweeter.

What do you like to do in your free time? Read. Raise children. Pretend I still have time to play video games.

What’s your favorite new gadget or tech toy? Meh. Not a gadget guy. I prefer simplicity. I only tolerate a modern phone because I get to carry a computer around.

Do you like to code in silence, with music or ambient noise on your headphones, or with people talking around you? Any of the above. I have 3 brothers, grew up in a small house, and can get focused with any amount of noise/distraction.

What do you do to get “in the zone” when you code? Just start typing. Same with writing. Gotta just let it flow. Definitely come back and edit though!

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ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

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