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Come See Us at PromCon 2019!

Come See Us at PromCon 2019!

2019-10-08 2 min

The fourth annual PromCon takes place in Munich next month! If you’re one of the 220 registered attendees who will be gathering at Google Munich November 7 and 8 to discuss all things Prometheus, be sure to check out these talks being given by Grafana Labs team members. If you can’t make it, come back to the blog for recaps after the event.


Thursday, November 7 @ 16:15: Two Households, Both Alike in Dignity: Cortex and Thanos

Cortex and Thanos are both CNCF projects that offer solutions for scaling your Prometheus installation across multiple sites. They share many components with Prometheus, but they take a fundamentally different approach to how these pieces are joined together. Grafana Labs’ Tom Wilkie and Red Hat’s Bartlomiej Plotka will help you understand these two projects’ tradeoffs and strengths, so you can decide which of them is best for your organization.

Friday, November 8 @ 11:15 Prometheus and Jaeger: A Match Made in Heaven!

Prometheus maintainer and Grafanista Goutham Veeramachaneni will take a deep dive into how Grafana Labs is running Jaeger, the OSS distributed tracing solution hosted by CNCF, at scale with Prometheus to make Cortex 10x faster. He will also demo how Prometheus helps by providing exemplars that let you directly jump to the right traces from the latency dashboards.

Friday, November 8 @ 13:00 TSDB: 1 Year In

Grafana Labs’ Ganesh Vernekar will cover the numerous enhancements and new features added to TSDB, the Prometheus storage engine, since the Prometheus 2.0 release. He will also break down how each of these developments – such as backfilling, disk size-based retention, WAL compression and read optimizations, allocation and memory optimization for compaction, and query optimizations – impacted Prometheus and how devs embedding them in their own apps can leverage them.

Friday, November 8 @ 15:00 Prometheus Histograms – Past, Present, and Future

Representing distributions in a metrics-based monitoring system is both important and hard; doing it right unlocks many powerful use cases. Prometheus maintainer and Grafanista Björn Rabenstein will address what Prometheus already offers in this regard, the history of the histogram and summary metric types, and what ongoing research holds for the future.

Request a Meeting

If you’re interested in finding out how Grafana Labs can help with your Prometheus journey, including support for on-premise Prometheus deployments and our Grafana Cloud Hosted Prometheus service, drop us a line, and we’ll set up some time in Munich to chat.

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ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.