Meet the Grafana Labs Team: Ed Welch
As Grafana Labs continues to grow, we’d like you to get to know the team members who are building the cool stuff you’re using. Check out the latest of our Friday team profiles.
Meet Ed!
Name: Ed Welch

Grafana Labs Software Engineer Ed Welch
Current location/time zone: Rochester, N.Y., EST.
What do you do at Grafana Labs? Software Engineer on the Loki project!
What open source projects do you contribute to? Does Loki count? ;) Loki consumes most of my time these days, but when I have the chance I continue to expand my home weather station for which the code can be found on GitLab.
What are your GitHub and Twitter handles?
I can be found on both GitHub and GitLab with user slim-bean
, a nickname my grandfather gave me many years ago. While I generally avoid social media, it looks like I did make a twitter account about 9 years ago so I could yell at 3ware for ruining my day.
What do you like to do in your free time? I play volleyball, go backpacking, walk my doggo, and try to automate my house.
What’s your favorite new gadget or tech toy? Finally got ahold of a Raspberry Pi 4 and am looking forward to adding it to my fleet of Pis running all over my house. I also recently got an all electric Nissan Leaf and have a Raspberry Pi Zero connected to the CAN bus to allow me to capture stats and control charging. More to come on this!
Spaces or tabs? Spaces, but only because the default expansion for tabs in most editors is 4 spaces, and it indents things too far, and I’m too lazy to change it.