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timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 78

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 78

2019-02-01 4 min

Welcome to TimeShift

Grafana v6.0 Beta1 was released this week, and it’s packed with new features! This is one of the biggest updates to Grafana and introduces a new way to explore your data, support for log data, and includes tons of other enhancements. We hope you’ll give v6.0 Beta1 a try and let us know what you think. You can see a few of the highlights below, but check out all of the updates in the What’s new in Grafana v6 documentation.

Also, there’s only 3 weeks until GrafanaCon LA! Be sure to visit the GrafanaCon LA website to see the latest talks that have been added. There’s still time to register so grab a ticket and join us! We have some really interesting talks and hands-on workshops planned, and have a lot of fun in store.

Know of an article we missed? Contact us.

Latest Beta Release: Grafana v6.0 Beta1

New Features
  • Alerting: Adds support for Google Hangouts Chat notifications #11221, thx @PatrickSchuster
  • Elasticsearch: Support bucket script pipeline aggregations #5968
  • Influxdb: Add support for time zone (tz) clause #10322, thx @cykl
  • Snapshots: Enable deletion of public snapshot #14109
  • Provisioning: Provisioning support for alert notifiers #10487, thx @pbakulev
  • Explore: A whole new way to do ad-hoc metric queries and exploration. Split view in half and compare metrics & logs and much much more. Read more here

For a full list of changes, be sure to read through the release notes and get more in-depth info about the features in the documentation.

Download Grafana v6.0 Beta1 Now

From the Blogosphere

Grafana Loki: Like Prometheus, but for logs: Loki author and Grafana Labs VP, Product Tom Wilkie gave a talk recently at the Cloud Native Computing Paris Meetup. If you want to catch one of his talks on Loki in person, he’ll be giving a similar talk in Belgium at FOSDEM, Feb 2-3, and of course, at GrafanaCon LA Feb 25-26.

Automated Monitoring With Grafana and Prometheus: While Grafana does have dashboard provisioning, it can be difficult to keep dashboards synchronized between environments. Fabio shows how he solves the issue with a Docker image he created.

How to display Octopus Deploy deployment history on Grafana dashboards: Tomasz shows how he uses a SQL data source in Grafana to display data on deployments that he manages with the Octopus Deploy platform.

Monitoring Micro-Service Applications across Hybrid Clouds using Istio service mesh multi-clusters, Kiali observability, Zipkin tracing, Prometheus events and Grafana visualisations: The title kind of explains it all, but this article discusses multi-cloud environments and trying to maintain the benefits of a centralised monitoring platform.

**[VIDEO] World’s Fastest Internet - 1.6 TERABITS per Second**: An oldie, but a goodie - Take a look at the world’s fastest Internet connection and how they built the network. Also note, Grafana spotted in the wild, around 5:30.

Get your tickets while they last!

Join us in Los Angeles, California February 25-26, 2019 for 2 days of talks and in-depth workshops on Grafana and the open source monitoring ecosystem. Learn about Grafana and new/upcoming features and projects (*cough* Grafana Loki *cough*) and the broader ecosystem like Prometheus, Graphite, InfluxDB, Kubernetes, and more.

Register Now!

Grafana Plugin Update

If you’re using plugins in Grafana, be sure to keep them up to date to take advantage of new features and bug fixes. To update or install any plugin on your on-prem Grafana, use the grafana-cli tool, or for Hosted Grafana, update with one-click.


Kentik Connect Pro App - Version 1.3.3 of the Kentik app was released 2/1/2019 and includes support for selecting US and EU API endpoints, and several bug fixes.


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Tweet of the Week

We scour Twitter each week to find an interesting/beautiful dashboard or monitoring related tweet and show it off! #monitoringLove

Great looking dashboard - be sure to check out the new color picker in v6.0 beta1, will help you maintain consistent colors across dashboards.

How are we doing?

We’re always looking to make TimeShift better. If you have feedback, please let us know! Email or send us a tweet, or post something at our community forum.

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ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.