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timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 75

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 75

2019-01-11 5 min

Welcome to TimeShift

We’ve been busy updating the GrafanaCon LA website, with additional speakers and are adding more every day, so please stay tuned. Don’t miss your chance to get your ticket. We also have tons of plugin updates to share this week and 2 brand new plugins to check out.

See an article we missed? Contact us.

Latest Stable Release: Grafana v5.4.2

Release Highlights
  • Datasource admin: Fix for issue creating new data source when same name exists #14467
  • OAuth: Fix for oauth auto login setting, can now be set using env variable #14435
  • Dashboard search: Fix for searching tags in tags filter dropdown.
Download Grafana v5.4.2 Now

From the Blogosphere

Western Digital HDD Simulation at Cloud Scale – 2.5 Million HPC Tasks, 40K EC2 Spot Instances: Lots of Grafana graphs and dashboards in this article on how Western Digital built a cloud-scale HPC cluster on AWS and used it to simulate crucial elements of upcoming head designs for their next-generation HDDs.

Connect Grafana to Azure Log Analytics: This is the first post in an upcoming series on connecting Grafana to Azure Log Analytics using the Azure Monitor data source plugin. The next post will cover creating the dashboard in Grafana and querying the data.

Monitoring Java Applications with Prometheus and Grafana - Part 1: A step by step guide to monitoring Java applications with Prometheus and Grafana. Part 1 covers collecting and storing the metrics in Prometheus, and part 2 will dive into configuring Grafana and building your first dashboard.

Outages in the Cloud. Whom to blame and how to prove it?: Claudio describes how he used data visualization to help settle the blame game when he was experiencing periodic outages in his hybrid infrastructure.

GrafanaCon LA is coming up Feb 25-26, 2019 and day 2 is going to be packed with TSDB-focused tracks and hands-on workshops. Learn how to get the most out of Grafana, how to extend Grafana’s visualization capabilities and get instruction from the experts. We’re also putting together an IoT session where you can get hands-on visualizing sensor data. It’s going to be a blast, so grab your ticket before they’re sold out!

Class will be in session for topics like:

Get your tickets while they last!

Join us in Los Angeles, California February 25-26, 2019 for 2 days of talks and in-depth workshops on Grafana and the open source monitoring ecosystem. Learn about Grafana and new/upcoming features and projects (*cough* Grafana Loki *cough*) and the broader ecosystem like Prometheus, Graphite, InfluxDB, Kubernetes, and more.

Register for GrafanaCon

Grafana Plugin Update

This week we have 2 brand new plugins to share and a load of updates! To update or install any plugin on your on-prem Grafana, use the grafana-cli tool, or for Hosted Grafana update with one-click.


Sensu App - This new app plugin provides a datasource and summary dashboard for SensuCore. An upcoming release will include custom panels and compatibility with SensuGo.



SCADAvis Synoptic Panel - This new panel plugin allows adding SCADA-like graphics in Grafana that can be combined with metrics. First, create a SVG image using the editor. Then, this image can have tags that are then matched with a metric query alias in Grafana.



Statusmap Panel - The Statusmap panel got a small update with a fix for the display of multi-value buckets when there is an empty cell.



JSON datasource - The JSON datasource plugin is a fork of the SimpleJSON datasource plugin which adds some more advanced features. The plugin has just been updated with a small bug fix.



Parity Report Panel - The latest version of this panel adds an option that makes the alias key configurable. This makes it compatible with more types of datasources.



SVG Panel - The SVG Panel is a tool for creating or importing SVG's into Grafana and connecting them with timeseries data using JavaScript. The latest release includes the following changes:
  • Implemented support for data in docs type. (e.g. Elasticsearch Raw Document)
  • The data passed to the panel is now stored in the property. The alias property ctrl.series is deprecated.



Peak Report Panel - A new release of the Peak Report Panel includes a fix for a scrolling bug that occurs in the latest versions of Grafana.



Thruk Datasource - Thruk is a web interface for Nagios, Icinga, Shinken and Naemon. A new formatting option for datetime columns in the table panel was included in the latest release of the Thruk datasource plugin.



ePict Panel - The ePict panel let you select an image and display live metrics over it. In the latest release, the decimal separator is now correctly localized.



Discrete Panel - The Discrete Panel shows discrete values in a horizontal graph and is especially useful for visualizing state transitions for string or boolean data. The latest release was a large release with a lot of technical updates. It also included some other fixes and features:
  • Configurable duration resolution option
  • Bug fix - don't hide series names on hover


We're Hiring

We're kicking off our 2019 hiring with some new opportunities to join the team! If you work in Technical Customer Support or want to check out all of our open positions, check our careers section.

View All our Open Positions

Tweet of the Week

We scour Twitter each week to find an interesting/beautiful dashboard or monitoring related tweet and show it off! #monitoringLove

For some reason I want to go play Excitebike.

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What would you like to see here in 2019? Email or send us a tweet, or post something at our community forum.

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ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.