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timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 43

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 43

2018-05-04 5 min

Welcome to TimeShift

Latest Release

Grafana v5.1 stable is now available. See the full changelog for more details.

Check out the release blog post for an in-depth look at what's new.

Download Grafana 5.1 Stable Now

From the Blogosphere

Prometheus Monitoring Mixins Using jsonnet to package together dashboards, alerts and exporters: Tom Wilkie has published a design document meant to address the difficulties making pre-configured monitoring configurations. The solution he and Frederic are proposing implements the concept of “Monitoring Mixins:” a package of configurations containing Prometheus alerts, Prometheus recording rules, and Grafana dashboards. This is an ongoing and active discussion, so if you have an opinion on the subject, be sure to comment.

TTN Gateway + Monitoring with - Part 2: This article build upon a previous post on how to monitor your TNN (The Things Network) gateway. Part 2 shows you how to monitor additional metrics to get a much more comprehensive view of your TNN gateway’s performance.

Prometheus: Monitor Docker services with Grafana: This is a quick tutorial on how to setup Prometheus monitoring for a local Docker instance.

Monitoring Ceph Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana: Find out how to monitor a Ceph cluster using DigitalOcean’s Ceph exporter to scrape the meta information, and visualize the data in Grafana.

Getting Started - Modern Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana: This video tutorial serves as an introduction to monitoring, outlines some basic principles, and walks you through how to monitor a webserver using Prometheus and Grafana.

Grafana Plugins

We have a couple of plugin updates to share this week with new features and bugfixes. Updating your plugins is easy. For on-prem Grafana, use the grafana-cli tool, for Hosted Grafana, update with one-click.


Breadcrumbs Panel - This update fixes a query parameter bug.



Sidewinder Data Source - This data source plugin now supports filtering by tag in the query editor UI.


Upcoming Events

In between code pushes we like to speak at, sponsor and attend all kinds of conferences and meetups. We also like to make sure we mention other Grafana-related events happening all over the world. If you’re putting on just such an event, let us know and we’ll list it here.

Innovate Everywhere: Choosing the Right Tools when Building your SRE Toolchain | Webinar - May 16, 2018, 1pm EDT
Leonard Gram - Explore a few of the vital tools your SRE team can set up to drive a culture of innovation and uptime.

Attendees can expect to learn:

  • Industry expectations around service reliability and availability
  • How to create simple and lightweight representations of your systems for everyone in the organization
  • How VictorOps, Grafana and InfluxData work together to create a system of engagement
Register Now

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			<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Devopsdays Stockholm 2018 | Stockholm, Sweden - May 24-25, 2018</a>:</strong> <br />
			<strong>Carl Bergquist</strong> - Carl will be talking about all things Grafana. He&apos;ll share some of the history, what&apos;s new in Grafana 5.1 and, and what you can expect in vNext.
		<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn--outline">More Info</a>

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			<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Monitorama 2018 PDX | Portland, OR - June 4-6, 2018</a>:</strong> <br />
			Join us again to hear talks from industry experts and community leaders discuss the newest approaches in monitoring and observability. Find out which tools and techniques are in use at some of the largest web architectures in the world.
		<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn--outline">Register Now</a>

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			<strong><a href="" target="_blank">TimeSeries Boston | July 17, 2018</a>:</strong>
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			<strong>Jacob Lisi: What does Kubernetes Look Like? Performance Monitoring & Visualization with Grafana</strong> - Monitoring Kubernetes is vital to understanding the health and performance of a cluster, but which metrics are most important to add to your dashboards and alert on? Jacob will discuss how to most effectively monitor and visualize your Kubernetes cluster using the Grafana Kubernetes plugin and PromQL. Some of the topics of discussion include(1) how and what to collect when monitoring Kubernetes, (2) how to bring your Grafana dashboards to the next level by using Kubernetes as a data-source, and (3) what to do when managing multiple clusters. All of these topics and more will be discussed to help people get the most out of their Kubernetes monitoring.
		<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn--outline">RSVP</a>
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			<strong><a href="" target="_blank">2018 Sensu Summit | Portland, OR - August 22-23, 2018</a>:</strong>
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			We are a proud sponsor of this year's Sensu Summit! Come enjoy Portland in the summer and learn a ton from the sharpest operations engineers in monitoring!
		<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn--outline">More Info</a>

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