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timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 23

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 23

2017-11-24 5 min

Welcome to TimeShift

This week, Grafana Labs team members in the U.S. took time off for the Thanksgiving holiday, to spend time with family and friends. While I’m thankful for many things, I would like to call out two special groups - 1. My Grafana Labs family: you teach me something new every day, provide interesting challenges, and make our “post-geographic” company extremely collaborative. You make it a pleasure to come to work. And 2. The Grafana community: I’m constantly impressed and amazed by the participation and passion from our community. I think I speak for the entire company when I say, “Thank you!”

#### Latest Release

Grafana 4.6.2 is now available and includes some bug fixes:

  • Prometheus: Fixes bug with new [Prometheus](/oss/prometheus/) alerts in Grafana. Make sure to download this version if you're using Prometheus for alerting. More details in the issue. #9777
  • Color picker: Bug after using textbox input field to change/paste color string #9769
  • Cloudwatch: build using golang 1.9.2 #9667, thanks @mtanda
  • Heatmap: Fixed tooltip for "time series buckets" mode #9332
  • InfluxDB: Fixed query editor issue when using > or < operators in WHERE clause #9871

Download Grafana 4.6.2 Now

From the Blogosphere

Monitoring traceroute through Prometheus and Grafana: There’s nothing like a client-impacting outage to really make you take stock of your monitoring stack. While the author had some tools in place, he really wanted to monitor the route our packets were following. This article discusses setting up Prometheus to monitor traceroute and visualize the data in Grafana.

Taking KSQL for a Spin Using Real-time Device Data: This article describes how to use a steering wheel/pedal set gaming device as a data source, and collect real-time driving data, displayed in a Grafana dashboard. There’s also a video included demonstrating the in-game data collection.

Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana: Chris walks us through how to gain insights in cluster and pod performance on your Kubernetes workloads in Azure using Prometheus and Grafana.

Scaling out Grafana with Kubernetes and AWS: Fernando discusses inexpensive horizontal scaling of Grafana and how to deploy multiple replicas using Kubernetes and AWS.

Graphite Metrics Stack with Jason Dixon and Dan Cech – Episode 136: In this Podcast, Grafana Labs Director, Platform Services Dan Cech, sat down with fellow Graphite maintainer Jason Dixon to discuss Graphite’s architecture, challenges as the project has evolved, Graphite’s staying power over the years, and what we can expect in future versions.

Scripted Grafana Dashboards: This video covers scripted dashboards, which dynamically generates dashboards using Javascript. Scripted dashboards can be more flexible and convenient if you have a lot of metric names that change; instead of always designing your dashboard through the UI, generate them with code.

GitLab Performance Monitoring with Grafana: Mohamed provides a comprehensive look at Gitlab Performance Monitoring, which has been available since Gitlab v8.4. He’s also included a dashboard to get you up and visualizing quickly.

Get Your GrafanaCon Tickets Now!

Join us March 1-2, 2018 in Amsterdam for 2 days of talks centered around Grafana and the surrounding monitoring ecosystem including Graphite, Prometheus, InfluxData, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes, and more.

Get Your Ticket Now

Upcoming Events:

We try to stay active in the community to learn and share with others who are interested in open source software and monitoring. Here are some events we have coming up. Hope to see you!
How to Use Open Source Projects for Performance Monitoring | Webinar
Nov. 29, 1pm EST
Check out how you can use popular open source projects, for performance monitoring of your Infrastructure, Application, and Cloud faster, easier, and to scale. In this webinar, Daniel Lee from Grafana Labs, and Chris Churilo from InfluxData, will provide you with step by step instruction from download & configure, to collecting metrics and building dashboards and alerts.
KubeCon | Austin, TX - Dec. 6-8, 2017: We're sponsoring KubeCon 2017! This is the must-attend conference for cloud native computing professionals. KubeCon + CloudNativeCon brings together leading contributors in:
  • Cloud native applications and computing
  • Containers
  • Microservices
  • Central orchestration processing
  • And more
Buy Tickets
FOSDEM | Brussels, Belgium - Feb 3-4, 2018: FOSDEM is a free developer conference where thousands of developers of free and open source software gather to share ideas and technology. Carl Bergquist is managing the Cloud and Monitoring Devroom, and the CFP is now open. There is no need to register; all are welcome. If you're interested in speaking at FOSDEM, submit your talk now!

Tweet of the Week

We scour Twitter each week to find an interesting/beautiful dashboard and show it off! #monitoringLove
		<p>Very cool. Always like to see new and interesting use cases for tracking things outside of devops, and also love <a href="">@littlebits</a>!</p>


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