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Grafana 4.1 Beta Release

Grafana 4.1 Beta Release

2016-12-21 2 min

Grafana v4.1 Beta is now available for download. The new version contains a lot of improvement and the majority of them come from pull requests. The fact that we can release 4.1.0-beta1 so quickly after 4.0 is all thanks to the Grafana community and all the contributors. Big thumbs up!

Release Highlights

  • Graph: Support for shared tooltip on all graphs as you hover over one graph. #1578, #6274
  • Victorops: Add VictorOps notification integration #6411, thx @ichekrygin
  • Opsgenie: Add OpsGenie notification integratiion #6687, thx @kylemcc
  • Cloudwatch: Make it possible to specify access and secret key on the data source config page #6697
  • Elasticsearch: Added support for Elasticsearch 5.x #5740, thx @lpic10
  • Panel: Added help text for panels. #4079, thx @utkarshcmu
  • Full changelog

Shared tooltip

Shared tooltip
Shared tooltip

Showing the tooltip on all panels at the same time has been a long standing request in Grafana and we are really happy to finally be able to release it. You can enable/disable the shared tooltip from the dashboard settings menu or cycle between default, shared tooltip and shared crosshair by pressing CTRL + O or CMD + O.

Help text for panel

Hovering help text
Hovering help text

You can set a help text in the general tab on any panel. The help text is using Markdown to enable better formating and linking to other sites that can provide more information.

Hovering help text
Hovering help text

Panels with a help text available have a little indicator in the top left corner. You can show the help text by hovering over the icon.

Easier Cloudwatch configuration

Cloudwatch configuration
Cloudwatch configuration

In Grafana 4.1.0 you can configure your Cloudwatch data source with access key and secret key directly in the data source configuration page. This enables people to use the Cloudwatch data source without having access to the filesystem where Grafana is running.

Once the access key and secret key have been saved the user will no longer be able to view them.

Upgrade & Breaking changes

Elasticsearch 1.x is no longer supported. Please upgrade to Elasticsearch 2.x or 5.x. Otherwise Grafan 4.1.0-beta1 contains no breaking changes.


Checkout the file for a complete list of new features, changes, and bug fixes.


Head to v4.1 download page for download links & instructions.


A big thanks to all the Grafana users who contribute by submitting PRs, bug reports & feedback!

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