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Big Changes Coming with Grafana 3.0 and

Big Changes Coming with Grafana 3.0 and

2016-04-08 2 min

Last Thursday was a big day for the raintank team.

Not only did we release a beta of Grafana 3.0 and a preview of, but we also announced our partnership with Intel (more on that later). A trifecta.

Grafana 3.0 will represent our biggest release ever, with over 1,500 commits from more than 30 developers around the world. Read more about the Grafana 3.0 beta release on the Grafana blog

We’re in awe at the continued growth in users and contributors to Grafana, and this release was a testament to open source and the power of the community. Recognizing the need to empower that community, was what resulted in our focus on the completely new Plugin architecture, as well as our other announcement:

If you like Grafana, we think you’ll love It has three main components:

  1. A place where the community can come together to share and create Grafana plugins. Grafana 3.0 beta now has full plugin support for Dashboards, Panels, Data Sources, and even full Apps. Plugins help you extend and customize your Grafana.

  2. A highly scalable Graphite-compatible hosted data source. This will be optimized for use with Grafana, and you’ll be able to easily add it to your existing installation. Since it’s Graphite compatible, you’ll get complete interoperability for both your on-premise and your hosted data. [coming soon]

  3. also allows you to register and manage your Grafana instances for commercial support subscriptions, which are now available. We’ll be adding things like continual health monitoring and Dashboard backups very soon. is still an early preview, and we’re rapidly building functionality, and adding more plugins. Sign up for today!

Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.