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Whiskey and Snow: Grafana Labs Converges in NYC

Whiskey and Snow: Grafana Labs Converges in NYC

2016-01-23 2 min

The snow has arrived in full force here in New York. Our subway authority, the MTA, has stored 31 miles of trains underground. The roads have been closed. The city that never sleeps is in full hibernation.

Beating the storm’s arrival by only a few hours, our team from Sweden landed last night.

From all corners of the world, almost the entire Grafana Labs team is converging for a week of face-to-face strategizing and development in NYC. In the past, such get togethers have been extremely productive, and a great way for us to get to know one another better. Especially because of our normal post-geographical distribution.

I’m particularly excited about the week ahead, because our team has really grown over the last few months, and our strategy has crystalized. Up until recently Torkel was flying solo in Sweden, but he’s recently hired two awesome developers there.

Looks like a good time in the sky: three Grafana Labs employees armed with laptops, whiskey, and sporting some Grafana swag. It’s the only way to travel.

There’s not much to do now, but stare at the sheet of white outside. At last, we’re all within a mile of each other, but completely immobilized. Luckily we have things like Slack. And whiskey. Both pair well with snow.

We’ll just have to be post-geographical for one more day.

Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.