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Grafana 2.6.0 Released

Grafana 2.6.0 Released

2015-12-14 1 min

We are proud to announce the v2.6.0 stable release. This release includes a new Table panel, an example of which you can see below.

This new flexible panel enables multiple ways for visualizing time series and logs in a tabular format. The release also includes a new InfluxDB query editor, support for Elasticsearch pipeline aggregations, support for multiple Cloudwatch credentials and a ton of minor fixes and improvements.

Check out the What’s New In Grafana v2.6 article for more info on new features. There is also a Demo dashboard at the demo site where you can play with the new panel and InfluxDB editor.

Upgrading from any previous 2.x version is safe, dashboards are backward compatible.


For a detailed list and link to github issues for everything included in the 2.6 release please view the file.

Thanks to project sponsors

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