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Grafana 1.7.0-rc1 Released!

Grafana 1.7.0-rc1 Released!

2014-08-05 2 min

New release today! v1.7.0-rc1 is now available for download.

This is a big release with a many new features and improvements. There are also a large number of architectural changes (hence the release candidate status).

Release highlights

  • InfluxDB can now be used as dashboard storage
  • InfluxDB can be used as a data source for annotations
  • InfluxDB series aliasing improvements (alias patterns)
  • Elasticsearch can be used as an annotation data source

New graph legend options: Align as table and Right side. Align as table will list series in vertical column, legend values will also align. Right side will place the legend to the right side of the graph.


The documentation has also seen an overhaul with many improvements and additions. A new Getting started guide and a new Troubleshooting guide for example.

Fixes and small additions

There are also a number of small improvements and fixes in this release. It also has a number of architectural improvements that will make future features and additions easier to implement and manage. Check the changelog on the download page for a complete list.

Grafana & full time development

The future for Grafana looks very bright. I am, since last week, working on it full time. I currently have no sponsor or income besides my company (Coding Instinct AB) savings. So any company that wants to sponsor development, can get their logo on the start page, mentions in release notes and emails. Please email me at

Another avenue that I am going to explore, if sponsoring does not pan out, is working on a paid premium version and a hosted version. There is so much more that can be done with Grafana in turns of future features, improvements and polish. There is also a a lot of time consuming maintainaince (library upgrades), support and documentation that needs to be done. So full time development is really needed. The question is how to finance it.

Meetups, Conferences & Company talks/coaching

If you want me to come talk about Grafana, application metrics, build measure learn or Graphite. Please email me at I live in Stockholm Sweden so travel could be an issue, but I am flexible and available :)

Cheers & keep on graphing!

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ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

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