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Monitorama PDX

Monitorama PDX

2014-05-01 1 min

On Saturday I am flying to Portland for what I am hoping to be a great conference, Monitorama PDX. The last day of the conference is full hackathon day with workshops and lightning talks. I will present a workshop on Grafana that I hope to fill with some project background, demos, tips and ticks, interesting ways to use graphite, questions and answers.

I was added kind of late to the speaker line up so it has been a busy week trying to get a publicly accessible demo and playground ready so everyone can try and play with Grafana.

After Portland I will fly to San Fransciso for a short 2 day visit. Incredibly excited for the coming week!.

I will bring many Grafana stickers and a few tshirts so be sure to seek my out or attend the workshop!

Grafana Cloud
Grafana Cloud
  • Grafana, of course
  • 10k series Prometheus metrics
  • 50 GB logs
  • 50 GB traces
  • 2,232 app o11y host hours
  • ...and more
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