That’s a wrap on ObservabilityCON on the Road Sydney

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The annual open source observability conference from Grafana Labs

Open source observability updates

Open source observability updates

Hear what’s new in the open source observability landscape and connect with community members

Technical tips and tricks

Technical tips and tricks

See how recent developments in the LGTM stack can help you optimize telemetry costs, shift left with performance testing, and streamline incident response

Expert advice

Expert advice

Get your technical questions about Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, and other open source observability topics answered by Grafana Labs experts

Community success stories

Community success stories

Learn from users who are transforming their approach to observability, managing exploding telemetry data volumes, and slashing MTTR


  1. 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
    Registration + Expo
    Network with attendees and explore Grafana demos in the Expo Hall
  2. 1:00 PM 1:45 PM
    ObservabilityCON on the Road Keynote
    Live in Sydney, it’s ObservabilityCON on the Road! Join Grafana Labs Co-Founder Anthony Woods for a look at the latest trends across the observability ecosystem and developments in the open and composable LGTM (Loki-Grafana-Tempo-Mimir) observability stack.
    • Anthony Woods, Co-Founder, Grafana Labs
  3. 1:45 PM 2:15 PM
    How to reduce observability costs by controlling metrics growth

    The shift to cloud native architectures and increased developer autonomy to instrument applications has caused an explosive growth of metrics data and cardinality. But more data does not mean better observability: It can be difficult to balance scale while managing costs.

    Learn how Grafana Cloud can help lower your observability bills. By regulating metrics growth through governance and unique customized aggregations, you optimize your costs and pay closer to what you actually use.

    • Ward Bekker, Senior Principal Solutions Engineer, Grafana Labs
  4. 2:15 PM 2:45 PM
    A short history of nearly everything (related to observability) at Atlassian

    Atlassian – the company behind Jira, Confluence, and Trello – knows what it means to their 200,000+ customers if their products are not working in an optimal way. Simply put, business slows down.

    A centralised observability solution was clearly needed – but that meant figuring out a way to see every bit of their highly disparate tech stack, as well as their many different observability tools. Enter Grafana and Grafana Enterprise. In this session, Paul Brown, Head of Observability at Atlassian, will walk through the company’s observability journey, from the early days, right through to where they are now, and where they are headed, including some lessons learned. Hear about their newly released Grafana-powered platform and what the future looks like for him, his team, and observability at Atlassian as a whole.

    Watch this session.

    • Paul Brown, Head of Observability, Atlassian
  5. 2:45 PM 3:15 PM
  6. 3:15 PM 3:45 PM
    How to prioritize critical resources through SLO-driven Incident Response & Management

    Prioritizing performance issues based on business impact is often challenging because it is hard to quantify the right SLO/SLI levels.

    Learn how you can build an SLO framework that unifies data from multiple disparate tools and is integrated into a seamless incident management workflow with Grafana OnCall and Incident. You can then prioritize responding to the most critical error budget burndowns, allowing your critical developers to focus on innovation rather than firefighting performance issues.

    • Cyril Amsellem, Lead Solutions Engineer, APAC, Grafana Labs
  7. 3:45 PM 4:15 PM
    How to prevent issues from hitting customers by using load testing and tracing together

    With the increased demand to ship new features, developers can overlook the importance of catching and resolving performance issues before they hit end users in production.

    Learn how Grafana’s unique solution of k6 performance testing correlated with Grafana Tempo distributed tracing can help developers easily prevent performance problems before they become an issue.

    • Nicole van der Hoeven, Developer Advocate, k6
  8. 4:15 PM 5:15 PM
    Reception + Expo
    Join us for appetizers and beverages while networking with attendees and meeting Grafana experts in the Expo hall