Update: Grafana Cloud k6 is now available as a new native application in Grafana Cloud. Existing k6 Cloud customers will not be impacted - they will be migrated to the new experience at a later date. Get started with Grafana Cloud k6 →

Performance testing helps you proactively improve reliability by preventing issues from reaching production and impacting customers.

Grafana Cloud k6, one of the newer members of the Grafana Labs family, is a modern performance testing platform for engineering teams, helping you automate testing and test earlier in the development process to bring high-quality products to market faster.

During this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Shift performance testing left with a developer-centric experience
  • Easily scale performance testing to keep up with business needs
  • Reduce mean time to resolution by correlating load testing and observability

Additional resources to explore:

Alex Kirtley-Close

Principal Field Engineer, Grafana Labs

As Principal Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs, Alex specializes in Observability with a focus on Logging. Having worked at Elastic as a Solutions Architect (Observability SME) and most recently focusing on Financial Services he has a broad, deep knowledge of how different teams use Observability solutions to solve their problems. Alex has a real world understanding and appreciation of what is required of a modern Observability stack having been a software engineer for many years, designing, building and maintaining large cloud native applications. In his free time he likes to be outside in nature with his wife and son whilst planning to escape technology by having a smallholding in the countryside.