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Join Grafana Labs technical experts for this introductory session on Loki. The live workshop will include an overview of logs, metrics, and traces correlation of Grafana 8.0 and how they reduce MTTR, key features, best practices, and tips and tricks to help you make the most of our open and composable observability platform.

During this webinar you’ll learn about:

  • What does Loki do?
  • High level of how Loki works, what makes it different, what it’s good at.
  • See a demo of new and updated Loki features so you can learn how to create metrics from logs and alert on your logs with powerful Prometheus-style alerting rules.

Attendee prerequisite: This is a beginner’s session and experience with Prometheus and Kubernetes is a must.

About Loki

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost-effective and easy to operate. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.

Additional Resources

If you are interested in learning more about Loki, please watch our Introduction to Loki: Like Prometheus, but for Logs here.

Grafana Labs reserves the right to modify or cancel registrations.

Willie Engelbrecht

Senior Solutions Engineer, Grafana Labs

Willie is currently enjoying a new hobby: astrophotography. He also loves to tinker and visualize all kinds of data in Grafana. Willie has been a user of Grafana for over 6 years and likes helping everyone democratize their observability strategy.

Nabeel Anthony Saad

Principal Solutions Engineer | EMEA, Grafana Labs

Nabeel Saad is a Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs focused on showing customers the value of our solutions and improving their work lives! When he’s not knee deep in open source or cloud aspects, he enjoys ultimate frisbee, circus acts and board game nights.